Pedagogical Strategies and Practices for Learning in Dynamic Environments
Vol. 27 No. 42 (2025)The first issue of the year 2025 under the title "Pedagogical Strategies and Practices for Learning in Dynamic Environments", presents a series of manuscripts in the format of scientific articles and systematization that contribute to scientific knowledge in the field of education.
Teacher Influencers: New Perspectives and Challenges
Vol. 26 No. Especial (2024)This is the special issue of 2024, which addresses the topic “Teacher Influencers: New Perspectives and Challenges”. This issue was produced in coordination with the AlfaMed Network within the framework of the VII International AlfaMED Congress.
Research, education and adaptation in times of change
Vol. 26 No. 41 (2024)The second edition of the year 2024 is entitled "Research, education and adaptation in times of change", which presents a series of manuscripts in the form of scientific articles, essays, systematization and bibliographic reviews on different educational topics in the local and global educational context.
Innovation and Challenges in 21st Century Education: Global and Local Perspectives. Global and Local Perspectives.
Vol. 26 No. 40 (2024)The first edition of the year 2024 is entitled "Innovation and Challenges in 21st Century Education: Global and Local Perspectives", which presents a series of manuscripts in the format of scientific articles and systematization, as well as essays on different educational topics in the local and global context.
Digital Innovations: Remote Labs, Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse
Vol. 25 No. Especial (2023)The special edition corresponding to the year 2023 is presented, related to digital innovations in various fields of knowledge: remote laboratories, extended laboratories, artificial intelligence and metaverse.
Contributions and reflections for educational quality from research
Vol. 25 No. 39 (2023)The second issue of the year 2023 presents reflections and research experiences for educational quality from research. To this end, a series of manuscripts have been selected from various Ibero-American researchers in the form of articles, essays, systematizations and scientific editorials that contribute to scientific knowledge in the field of education.
Reflections and research experiences for innovation
Vol. 25 No. 38 (2023)The first issue of the year 2023 presents reflections and research experiences for innovation from the educational sciences. To this end, a series of manuscripts have been selected from various Ibero-American researchers in the form of articles, essays, systematizations and bibliographic reviews that contribute to scientific knowledge in the field of education.
Academic Integrity: New Perspectives, Approaches and Challenges
Vol. 24 No. Especial (2022)The special issue for the 2022 is entitled "Academic Integrity: new perspectives, approaches and challenges" and presents seven manuscripts in two formats: scientific articles and bibliographic review, with the participation of various researchers from Ibero-America on different topics: conceptualization of plagiarism, specific regulations, dishonest practices, collusion, unethical conduct, among others. This issue has been produced as part of joint efforts with the Ibero-American Network for Research in Academic Integrity.
Innovation and Research in Education
Vol. 24 No. 37 (2022)It is a pleasure to present the new issue of our Innovaciones Educativa Magazine; in which investigative experiences are integrated from the formats of scientific article, essay, systematization of experience and bibliographic review, so that it contributes to scientific knowledge from innovation and educational research.
Hacia la transformación investigativa desde la investigación
Vol. 24 No. 36 (2022)This issue presents research experiences from Latin America with which it is hoped to contribute to the processes of change that are required in the different educational scenarios, as well as with the transformation processes that are being promoted in the different educational spaces throughout the world. across the continent.
Post-pandemic educational quality: challenges from research
Vol. 23 No. 35 (2021)The COVID-19 pandemic has marked an important inflection in the educational world as well as has generated reflection on the occurrence of educational processes after this unprecedented experience; it is a vital issue in the academic arena. For this reason, empirical experiences in education sciences are presented that allow us to reflect on challenges, challenges and good practices that can be considered in the post-pandemic in order to consolidate educational quality.
Digital technologies in educational processes
Vol. 23 No. Especial (2021)This number corresponds to the special edition of the year 2021 and brings together research contributions, conceptual reflections, systematizations of experiences and literature reviews, all related to digital technologies in educational contexts.
Reflections and educational experiences for innovation.
Vol. 23 No. 34 (2021)This edition corresponds to June 2021 and brings together research contributions, conceptual reflections and systematizations of educational experiences in various Latin American contexts that promote innovation from education; In addition, it has a special supplement where the challenges for the didactics of mathematics are presented.
Leadership, technologies, language and curriculum in educational processes
Vol. 22 No. 33 (2020)This number corresponds to january - july 2021 and brings together research contributions and conceptual reflections that focus, mainly, on the attention of educational leadership, the use of technologies as a resource for learning, as well as from the language and the curriculum the educational processes are enriched.
Education in pandemic times: strategies for improving educational processes
Vol. 22 No. Especial (2020)This number corresponds to a special edition of the Journal that contains scientific editorials, research contributions, conceptual reflections and systematizations of experiences that were carried out in response to the impact caused by the virus responsible for COVID-19 in education in general, the management of education, technology as a complement in educational contexts and pedagogical mediation.
Educational dynamics: management, pedagogical mediation and technologies
Vol. 22 No. 32 (2020)Este número corresponde a junio 2020 y reúne aportes investigativos, reflexiones conceptuales y revisiones de literatura especializada que se enfocan en la educación en general, la gestión de la educación, el uso de tecnología en contextos educativos y la mediación pedagógica.
Research, technologies and philosophy in education
Vol. 21 No. 31 (2019)This number corresponds to December 2019 and brings together research contributions, conceptual and philosophical reflections as well as reviews of specialized literature that focus on education in general, the training of researchers and the teaching and learning processes of specific subjects.
Young people, teaching-learning processes and management in the Costa Rican educational scenario
Vol. 21 No. 30 (2019)This number corresponds to June 2019 and it presents research contributions and theoretical discussions around areas such as the Educational Administration, Physical Education, the use of ICT in teaching and learning processes of people with disabilities and education as a human right.
Educational administration: new perspectives and challenges for education
Vol. 20 No. 29 (2018)This number corresponds to December 2018 and has as part of its themes contributions from different authors on new conditions and challenges in the area of educational administration and for education in general.
Education, reading and technologies in contemporary society
Vol. 20 No. 28 (2018)This number corresponds to June 2018 and presents articles related to education in general, in which findings on topics such as technologies, environment, reading in higher education.
Didactic audiovisuals in distance education
Vol. 19 No. 27 (2017)This number corresponds to December 2017 and presents a set of contributions among which the didactic use of audiovisuals for distance education stands out, as well as other topics of relevance for reflection and educational work.
Education, artistic development and culture
Vol. 19 No. 26 (2017)This number corresponds to the months of January-June 2017 and it presents articles related to education for the arts, teacher training and learning processes in indigenous cultures.
Socialization and educational technologies
Vol. 18 No. 25 (2016)This number corresponds to the months of July-December 2016 and it presents collaborations whose themes link social and educational processes with the use of technologies.
Education and technologies for all ages
Vol. 18 No. 24 (2016)This number corresponds to the months of January-June 2016 and it presents a series of contributions that investigate and discuss various topics related to educational processes in which young people, adults and older adults participate, as well as the use of technologies in educational spaces.
Innovation, technologies and teaching and learning processes in education
Vol. 17 No. 23 (2015)This number corresponds to the months July-December 2015, and it includes a series of contributions that address various topics such as innovation in students, the use of technologies and the analysis of various factors associated with the teaching and learning processes.
Teaching work in educational spaces
Vol. 17 No. 22 (2015)This number corresponds to the months January-June 2015 and it includes a series of contributions that address varied topics whose axis of analysis is the teaching task in relation to different teaching and learning processes.
January-December 2014
Vol. 16 No. 21 (2014)This number corresponds to the months January-December 2014 and it presents a series of collaborations that contribute to the reflection on different expressions of the educational process.
Distance educaton as an expanding reality, demands systematization of its development
Vol. 15 No. 20 (2013)This number corresponds to the months of January-December 2013 and it presents collaborations on different topics in education, mainly on distance education.
Promoting quality educational experiences in the framework of distance education
Vol. 14 No. 19 (2012)This number is located in the months of January-December 2012, and offers different contributions on education in fields such as the arts, distance education, among others.
Learning stages, innovation spaces
Vol. 13 No. 18 (2011)This number corresponds to the months January-December 2011 and presents collaborations in which various topics of education are discussed in its multiple expressions.
The student in distance education: new contributions from technology
Vol. 12 No. 17 (2010)This number corresponds to the months of January-December 2010, and presents different collaborations in which the role of educational technologies in contemporary learning processes is discussed.
Educational strategies for improvement
Vol. 11 No. 16 (2009)This number corresponds to the months January-December 2009 and presents collaborations among which are inquiries about the impact of ICTs on education.