Plagiarism Detection and Approach

Detecting plagiarism

All contributions received must comply with the originality requirement established in the guidelines for authors. Therefore, the texts received by the editor are subject to revision through the Turnitin program, to ensure the originality of the writing as well as the correct recognition of authorship in the sources cited. The Google search engine is also used to complement the results of the initial Turnitin software review.

It is the responsibility of the authors to respect the sources cited by duly acknowledging the authorship in each of them and using the correct citation as stipulated in the APA format. If during the review of the submitted collaboration irregularities were detected as to the originality of the text (including the so-called self-plagiarism) and in the correct recognition of the sources cited, the case will be made known to the Editorial Committee. This body will decide if a clarification on the matter is requested from the author to define if it is acceptable to correct the situation, or if the document is definitely rejected. Also, in the event that irregularities of this type are detected in texts already published, the Editorial Committee will issue a resolution stating that Innovaciones Educativas retracts from the article, and an explanatory letter will be forwarded to the author notifying the situation.
