Promoting the capacity for self-control in children: concepts and strategies in context

Promoting the capacity for self-control in children: concepts and strategies in context




self-control, self-discipline, candy test, socialization, life competencies, decision making, confidence, social and emotional learning


This essay aims to show and discuss key aspects of child self-control based on recent research, as well as to propose factors and strategies to promote the development of this important capacity. To do this, he begins by defining self-control, then identifies some of its benefits, then describes the marshmallow test, as well as its analysis in context. Then it relates self-control with decision-making, analyzes the role of trust, the role of adults in its promotion in girls and boys, and finally proposes some strategies to support it.

Author Biographies

Pablo Chaverri Chaves, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica

Pablo Chaverri Chaves

Universidad Nacional

Heredia, Costa Rica


Sara Paola León González, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica

Sara Paola León González

Universidad Nacional

Heredia, Costa Rica



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How to Cite

Chaverri Chaves, P., & León González, S. P. (2022). Promoting the capacity for self-control in children: concepts and strategies in context. Innovaciones Educativas, 24(37), 119–132.