Leadership's characteristics of the departmental mathematics head of a high-performance center in secondary education in Chile

Leadership's characteristics of the departmental mathematics head of a high-performance center in secondary education in Chile





Leadership, quality of education, educational management, peer relations, secondary school


This works' objective is to characterize the leadership and contextual factors of the head of the Department of Mathematics of a Chilean secondary education center, with a record of notable school performance, who institutionalized departmentalization as a sustainability improvement strategy. Using a descriptive approach, based on a single case study, we conducted semi-structured interviews with the head of the department and those in charge of the Technical-Pedagogical Unit of the center. The results indicate that such position and departmental unit respond simultaneously to the school leadership's internal political guidelines and to characteristics of teacher leadership that strengthen the collaboration among peers. As the main conclusion, the didactic potential of the departmental task and the value of the pedagogical leadership competencies, assumed by the leader to sustain the effectiveness of mathematics teaching and favor the teacher's professional development, is recognized.

Author Biographies

Oscar Maureira Cabrera, Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez

Oscar Maureira Cabrera

Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez

Santiago, Chile



Carla Guíñez Gutiérrez, Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez

Carla Guíñez Gutiérrez

Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez

Santiago, Chile


Nelly Atenas Alister, Profesional independiente

Nelly Atenas Alister

Profesional independiente

Santiago de Chile



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How to Cite

Maureira Cabrera, O., Guíñez Gutiérrez, C., & Atenas Alister, N. (2022). Leadership’s characteristics of the departmental mathematics head of a high-performance center in secondary education in Chile. Innovaciones Educativas, 24(36), 71–83. https://doi.org/10.22458/ie.v24i36.3895