Comparative analysis of the results of the EGRA tests applied in a network of educational centers in Fe y Alegría, Nicaragua (2016-2018)

Comparative analysis of the results of the EGRA tests applied in a network of educational centers in Fe y Alegría, Nicaragua (2016-2018)




EGRA tests, reading comprehension, student evaluation, teacher competencies, pedagogical practice


This study became a pedagogical reflection based on the results of the EGRA tests applied to first, second and third grade students, in the period from 2016 to 2018. The study population consisted of 5,820 standardized tests applied in 18 educational centers served by Fe y Alegría Nicaragua. For the purposes of the analysis, a sample of 4,624 tests was obtained, with a confident 99.7% and a 1% margin of error. A mixed study was carried out, with a minimum inter-method integration level, by means of the Complemented Integral Design (DICO-its acronym in Spanish). The study made it possible to carry out a comparative analysis between the results obtained in the tests applied to first grade students in the three years of the study (2016-2018) and, in the same way, an evolutionary analysis from first to third grade in the same period. On the one hand, it provides guidelines to determine measurement indicators to continue evaluating the skills of fluency and reading comprehension in the student body, but it also provides inputs to offer monitoring of teaching performance. It was established as a baseline for updating the proposal to improve reading fluency and comprehension in students from first to third grade of the educational centers belonging to the Fe y Alegría network.

Author Biographies

Everardo Víctor, Fe y Alegría Nicaragua

Everardo Víctor

Fe y Alegría Nicaragua

Managua, Nicaragua


Axel Urcuyo, Fe y Alegría Nicaragua

Axel Urcuyo

Fe y Alegría Nicaragua

Managua, Nicaragua


Neyda Zamora Diaz, Fe y Alegría Nicaragua

Neyda Zamora

Fe y Alegría Nicaragua

Managua, Nicaragua



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How to Cite

Víctor, E., Urcuyo, A., & Zamora Diaz, N. (2021). Comparative analysis of the results of the EGRA tests applied in a network of educational centers in Fe y Alegría, Nicaragua (2016-2018). Innovaciones Educativas, 23(35), 18–34.