The metaverse as a disruptive technology at the disposal of the teaching methodology in Higher Education Institutions

The metaverse as a disruptive technology at the disposal of the teaching methodology in Higher Education Institutions




Metaverse, Blockchain, Higher Education, Advanced technology, Technological change


The metaverse is an emerging technology that seeks to transform the way companies, institutions and people interact globally, but this initiative is in the process of consolidation and is gaining more followers every day due to its innovation. This technology is based on the evolution of the internet: from web 1.0 focused on hyperlinks, to web 2.0 that prioritizes social networks and now web 3.0 or internet 3.0, which focuses on data analysis to create a more intelligent and personalized web. Thus, through blockchain technology and NFTs, they have a close relationship with the metaverse, as they allow the creation, possession, control, and monetization of content in this digital environment. The metaverse is a virtual universe parallel to the physical one, accessible through virtual and augmented reality. This allows interaction in 3D environments through avatars, improving the current experience. Large companies are developing applications in education, economy, and society. Although its implementation in Higher Education Institutions faces limitations of knowledge, investment and resources, some prestigious universities are exploring its use. The metaverse can overcome geographical barriers, fostering synchronous global interaction. However, it raises concerns about mental health, with no specific studies that fully understand its effects. In summary, the metaverse is an emerging technology that promises to revolutionize virtual interactions. Companies and universities around the world are exploring it, presenting challenges, but also new possibilities in multiple fields, capable of transforming the way we live and work. The metaverse is a virtual universe parallel to the physical world, accessed through virtual and augmented reality devices. It allows interaction in 3D environments through avatars, enhancing the current virtual reality experience. Currently, major companies are developing applications in areas such as education, economy, planning, and society. However, the use of the metaverse in higher education institutions still faces limitations in terms of knowledge, investment, and necessary resources. Nevertheless, some prestigious universities are exploring its implementation.


It is important to mention that the metaverse has the potential to break geographical barriers and enable synchronous global interaction, but it also raises possible implications for people's mental health, despite the lack of specific studies to fully understand its effects. In conclusion, the metaverse is an emerging technology that promises to revolutionize how we interact in a virtual environment. It is being explored by major companies and universities worldwide, presenting challenges but offering new possibilities in various fields that can change the way we live and work.

Author Biographies

Danny De La O - Miranda, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Maestría en Gestión de la Calidad en la Educación Superior. Licenciado, Bachiller y Diplomado en Administración de Empresas con énfasis en Dirección de Empresas. Labora en el Programa de Autoevaluación Académica de la UNED desde el 2008 y en el 2016 en el Instituto de Gestión de la Calidad Académica, actualmente se desempeña como Asesor en autoevaluación, acreditación y mejoramiento de las carreras de grado y posgrado de la UNED, coeditor de la revista CAES del 2010 al 2014 y editor de la revista CAES del 2014 a la actualidad. Cuenta con gran experiencia en el tema de gestión de la calidad académica por medio de los procesos de autoevaluación llevados a cabo en las diversas escuelas de la UNED, y en participaciones en cursos, charlas, talleres y diversas comisiones nacionales en la temática. 

Alexander Cortés - Campos, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Máster en Antropología por la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), Licenciado en Administración Educativa por la Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED), Licenciado en Teología y Educación con énfasis en Enseñanza de la Religión y egresado de la Licenciatura en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional (UNA). Actualmente se desempeña como profesor de la Maestría en Derechos Humanos y asesor de los procesos de gestión de la calidad académica de las carreras de grado y posgrado de la UNED.    


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How to Cite

De La O - Miranda, D., & Cortés - Campos, A. (2023). The metaverse as a disruptive technology at the disposal of the teaching methodology in Higher Education Institutions. Innovaciones Educativas, 25(Especial), 78–87.