Awareness, prevalence, and assessment of dishonest practices in university students of Arts and Humanities and Health Sciences.

Awareness, prevalence, and assessment of dishonest practices in university students of Arts and Humanities and Health Sciences.




citacion, bibliophaphy, academic plagiarism, ethics, university education, awareness, assessment, education


Technological progress brought advantages and disadvantages in the academic field, allowing students and professors to access extensive specialized information. Among the disadvantages are plagiarism, copying, and other similar actions. As a matter of fact, academic plagiarism is the most frequent dishonest practice among students in the world. In this regard, the inquiries in this area are multiple and from different theoretical approaches. The Ibero-American level, Sureda, Comas and Urbina, (2005) and Comas-Forgas and Sureda-Negre (2010) are pioneering studies in the field. In this framework, this research aims to compare the awareness, prevalence, and assessment of dishonest practices by students entering the university of the disciplines of Arts and Humanities (Peru) and Health Sciences (Chile). A quantitative descriptive with a non-experimental and cross-sectional design method was used. Our sample considered 217 participants to whom a previously validated questionnaire was applied. After the analysis, results show that awareness of plagiarism and references do not differ between both fields of knowledge. Most of them present similar data in terms of prevalence and assessment, except for specific actions and practices whose sanction could be more regulated by legal bodies.

Author Biographies

Liliana Vásquez-Rocca, Universidad Andrés Bello

D. in Linguistics, M.A. in Philosophy and B.A. in Social Communication from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile. She works as an Assistant Professor at the Universidad Andrés Bello, Viña del Mar, Chile. Her research focuses on the study of Multimodality, university academic writing, the relationship between discourse and gender and discourse and new technologies. She has published several academic publications and participated in multiple conferences in the area. She is a member of the Latin American Network of Studies on Multimodality, the Latin American Association of Discourse Studies, Chile delegation and the Iberoamerican Network of Academic Integrity. In recent years she has been mainly focused on the study of the discourse of women linguists and applying the multimodal perspective to the analysis of media discourses on digital platforms.

Claret Cuba Raime , Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa

D. in Social Sciences, Master in Sciences: Applied Linguistics, Second Specialty in Hispanic Linguistics, Licentiate and Bachelor's Degree in Literature and Linguistics. Principal Professor of the Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, attached to the Academic Department of Literature and Linguistics, Director of the Professional School of Literature and Linguistics and teacher in the specialty of Linguistics. Undergraduate and graduate thesis advisor in linguistics. Member of the Red-IA (Ibero-American Network of research in academic integrity). Since 2017 to date, she has been executing the Social Responsibility Project at UNSA: "Alto al plagio intelectual" (Stop intellectual plagiarism). She has participated as a speaker in national and international events in the specialty of linguistics and related fields.

Carolina Vásquez Velasco, Universidad Viña del Mar

Master in Marketing and Commercial Engineering from Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez. She currently works as an assistant professor and academic coordinator of the Commercial Engineering program at Universidad Viña del Mar, Chile. During the last 8 years, her academic performance has been mainly based on undergraduate and postgraduate knowledge areas such as business strategy, management, entrepreneurship, administration and marketing. She has more than 6 years of professional experience in marketing executive positions in several prestigious multinational companies. In addition, she is part of the Ibero-American Network of Academic Integrity, as well as the Cluster of Business Schools of the Fifth Region of Chile, IMPULSAR.


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How to Cite

Vásquez-Rocca, L., Cuba Raime , C., & Vásquez Velasco, C. (2022). Awareness, prevalence, and assessment of dishonest practices in university students of Arts and Humanities and Health Sciences. Innovaciones Educativas, 24(Especial), 53–70.