Literacy and statistical thinking in the information society: a reflection appertaining to the teaching practice

Literacy and statistical thinking in the information society: a reflection appertaining to the teaching practice




teaching, didactic strategy, statistical literacy, statistical thinking, education


This systematization aims to bring to light the teaching experience using actual data in problem-solving for the students to develop skills related to literacy and statistical thinking. One aspect to consider for the design of this didactic strategy was the COVID-19 pandemic context because all courses were to be taught 100% in a virtual modality. The didactic experience begins with the application of an online questionnaire addressed to the students of introductory Statistics courses. These courses are part of the many study programs offered at Universidad de Costa Rica. From the data collected online and data published by the Ministry of Health related to the COVID virus, various learning guides were generated focused on the basic concepts of descriptive statistics. Among the main results is the importance of technological mediation to achieve literacy and statistical thinking, focusing on aspects related to data quality, its summarization, and interpretation. Additionally, the students managed to go beyond statistical calculation since they established substantive conclusions related to their discipline.

Author Biographies

Esteban Ruiz Barrantes, Universidad de Costa Rica

Bachelor and Master in Statistics from the University of Costa Rica. He is currently a consultant at the Academic Evaluation Center of the University of Costa Rica. He previously taught at the School of Statistics and has experience in curriculum evaluation, academic and market research.

Eugenia Gallardo-Allen, Universidad de Costa Rica

D. in Government and Public Policy, Bachelor and Master in Statistics from the University of Costa Rica. She currently teaches at the School of Statistics. She has publications in the field of statistics and higher education, among them, the entry of Costa Rica in the International Encyclopedia of Higher Education Institutions of Springer Nature and as co-author of the chapter My Home, My Rules: Costa Rican Attitudes Toward Immigrants and Immigration in the book Intraregional Migration in Latin American published by the American Psychological Association (APA).



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How to Cite

Ruiz Barrantes, E., & Gallardo-Allen, E. (2023). Literacy and statistical thinking in the information society: a reflection appertaining to the teaching practice. Innovaciones Educativas, 25(38), 198–210.



Articles in the Format of Experience Systematization