Remote Laboratories: A resource for learning about gases in university courses massively taught in Argentina during the COVID pandemic

Remote Laboratories: A resource for learning about gases in university courses massively taught in Argentina during the COVID pandemic




experimental activity, remote laboratories, teaching method, distance education, natural sciences, Chemistry teaching, Boyle's law


This paper presents descriptive quantitative research on students' perception regarding the use of the Boyle's Law Remote Laboratory to address the issue of gases in a first university course of chemistry at the University of Buenos Aires. Argentina. It was implemented during the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. The methodology included using an instrument with fourteen Likert-type statements to measure learning perception, degree of satisfaction, and usability of the Remote Laboratory. Five hundred and five students participated. The results showed that the students perceived that the work with this laboratory promotes theoretical and practical learning linked to the experimental design and the collection and treatment of empirical data. In addition, it was found that the device is easy to use and reports a high degree of satisfaction since it allows repeating the experience as many times as necessary. This resource's versatility for addressing complex issues is highlighted, such as the models that account for the behavior of gases. As the main conclusion, the potential of this resource for the educational context was established, and the need to continue researching the use and application of Remote Laboratories in university chemistry courses and other areas of Natural Sciences is highlighted.

Author Biographies

Fernando Capuya, Universidad de Buenos Aires

He is a Chemistry teacher graduated from the Instituto de Formación Docente y Técnica No. 35. He works as a teacher of the Common Basic Cycle of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). He is a student of the Master's Degree in Experimental Sciences and Technology Education at the University of Córdoba. He participates as a researcher in training at the Center for Research and Support to Science Education and at the Institute for Research in Higher Education of the UBA. He is part of the teaching staff of refresher and advanced courses for graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of the UBA.

Eric Montero Miranda, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

He is a Researcher at the Remote Experimentation Laboratory of the Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED). He has a degree in Industrial Chemistry from the National University and a Magister Scientiae in Environmental Management and Local Development from the Central American Institute of Public Administration. He is currently a professor of the Chair of Educational Research at UNED, professor of chemistry at the Colegio Humanístico Costarricense, Omar Dengo campus.

Carlos Arguedas Matarrita, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

He is the Coordinator of the Remote Experimentation Laboratory of the Universidad Estatal a Distancia "UNED" in Costa Rica. He has a Master's degree in Educational Technology and a PhD in Experimental Sciences from the Universidad Nacional del Litoral in Argentina. He is currently in charge of the Chair of Physics for Engineering at UNED and has conducted extensive research on the topic of remote and virtual laboratories, physical education and support for distance education. He is also the Coordinator of the Emphasis in Applied Electronic Technologies of the Doctorate in Natural Sciences for Development.

Ignacio Idoyaga, Universidad de Buenos Aires

D. from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), graduated as a biochemist and professor of Physics at the School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry and of Chemistry of the Common Basic Cycle of the UBA. He is deputy director of the Center for Research and Support to Science Education and researcher at the Institute for Research in Higher Education of the UBA. He did postdoctoral studies at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). He is a visiting professor and professor of graduate programs at universities in Argentina, Uruguay and Spain. He directs research projects and master's and doctoral theses. He is editor of the journal Nuevas Perspectivas.


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How to Cite

Capuya, F., Montero Miranda, E., Arguedas Matarrita, C., & Idoyaga, I. (2023). Remote Laboratories: A resource for learning about gases in university courses massively taught in Argentina during the COVID pandemic . Innovaciones Educativas, 25(38), 246–262.



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