Schools in a Post-COVID Scenario: what we lost and what we stand to gain.

Schools in a Post-COVID Scenario: what we lost and what we stand to gain.




post-covid schooling, lessons learned, transformation vs. normality, change, education, school


This article/editorial is a reflection about the lessons learned from the COVID-19 crisis and how we can incorporate what we have learned as part of our efforts to adjust and improve our schools through educational policies. While returning to school after lockdown, instead of going back to “normal,” we emphasize the need to transform that “normal.” The pandemics evidenced that making some changes is possible. Those changes will be analyzed and described as a unique opportunity to redesign and reinvent schools.

Author Biography

Antonio Bolívar Botia, Universidad de Granada

Antonio Bolívar Botia

Universidad de Granada

Granada, España


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How to Cite

Bolívar Botia, A. (2021). Schools in a Post-COVID Scenario: what we lost and what we stand to gain. Innovaciones Educativas, 23(35), 7–13.