Contributions of Neuromarketing for the attention of older people in educational center

Contributions of Neuromarketing for the attention of older people in educational center


  • Nancy Vásquez-Flores Universidad Estatal a Distancia



Neuromarketing, Cognitive functions, Older adult, Teaching centers, Educative offer


In this essay there is a discussion about some contributions that neuromarkting can provide for the care of older adults, in schools where an educational offer is offered to this population. As part of the arguments that support this text, it is stated that neuromarkting, being focused on neurological and cognitive processes, would serve as a tool to attract and retain older adults.

Author Biography

Nancy Vásquez-Flores, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Comunicadora social, Oficina Institucional de Mercadeo y Comunicación, Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica


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How to Cite

Vásquez-Flores, N. (2019). Contributions of Neuromarketing for the attention of older people in educational center . Innovaciones Educativas, 21(31), 89–100.