Evaluation practices in flipped classroom and m-learning contexts

Evaluation practices in flipped classroom and m-learning contexts





Assessment, Flipped classroom, Teaching method, M-Learning, Higher education


In recent years, pedagogical models of the highest level have shown a great expansion towards blended learning (Ibáñez, de Benito Crosetti, Garcías, and Cervera, 2018; Mariño, 2007; Morán, 2012; Vera, 2008). These models allow for incorporating both the face-to-face and virtual environments in such a way that it allows the optimization of the most compelling qualities of each of them. Among the different ways of implementing blended learning is the flipped classroom (Coufal, 2014; Schneider, Suhr, Rolon, & Almeida, 2013), which has been continuously acquiring more relevance. In these contexts, teachers face the transformation of all their practices; among them, evaluation is a relevant axis that has been little addressed. Based on this problem, the research presented in this work addressed the evaluation carried out in three school subjects. The approach, strategies, and instruments were examined that one may establish the particularities of evaluation in these contexts. Through a qualitative approach, information was collected through interviews, observations, and documentary analysis. Likewise, a constant comparative method was adopted, and the categories that allowed characterizing evaluation in flipped classroom contexts we reconstructed. The decisions and actions regarding evaluation demonstrated how the pedagogical proposal and the didactic possibilities of the activities define the evaluation’s characteristics more than it does the qualities of the technological tools.

Author Biography

Lourdes Morán, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)

Expertise: Teaching practices through online didactics. It focuses on the articulation between technology and education in university and pre-university settings.

Training: Doctor in Educational Sciences, Specialist in Educational Technology and Bachelor of Educational Sciences (University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters)

Research activity: Researcher of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET). Research member of the Regional Center for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences. Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos. (CRIHCS) Participates in various research projects and teams, in force: team of researchers from the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences - UADER - Concepción del Uruguay Headquarters; Study Group on University Didactics and Digital Academic Profession in Latin America (DUPADAL) Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences - UADER - Concepción del Uruguay Headquarters. (CONICET / FHAyCS-UADER); National Agency for Scientific and Technological Research (AGENCIA, PICT Project) "Teaching practices of postgraduate thesis writing: comparative study of experiences in face-to-face and virtual environments"; UBA TIC Project 2018-2020 As a teacher at the UBA School of Dentistry, he participates in the UBA TIC Project called “LOOPING alternatives for teaching in Dentistry. Enriched virtual environments and environments with high technological disposition for the teaching of Dentistry at the UBA ”. The participation of these research groups give rise to numerous presentations at conferences and scientific research articles

Teaching activity at the higher level: Teacher of different university graduate careers. Some of them: "Postgraduate in hybrid and online digital teaching" (Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences - UADER - Concepción del Uruguay), Master in University Teaching (University of Buenos Aires). She develops teaching tasks in the Teaching Training Program of the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Buenos Aires and performs pedagogical advisory tasks. As a pedagogical advisor, she is a member of the Dental Education and Pedagogical Assistance Area of ​​the Faculty of Dentistry.

She is dedicated to research and teacher training in the incorporation of digital technologies in higher education. As a researcher, she studies teaching practices in virtual training proposals. As a teacher, he trains and advises on didactic strategies and on the design of virtual training proposals at the higher level. Both performances allow approaching the field of study of teaching practices and virtuality with a broad perspective.


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How to Cite

Morán, L. (2021). Evaluation practices in flipped classroom and m-learning contexts. Innovaciones Educativas, 23(34), 98–112. https://doi.org/10.22458/ie.v23i34.3152