Vigotsky’s contributions and critical pedagogy for the transformation of curriculum design in the twenty-first century

Vigotsky’s contributions and critical pedagogy for the transformation of curriculum design in the twenty-first century




Education, Curriculum, curriculum design, universities,, higher education curriculum


The validity and relevance of Vygotsky’s postulates for pedagogy in the twenty-first century

is a fact given the social, political, and economic needs and social transformations that demand a new

educational response, which is also true in the case of curriculum design. Faced with this reality, the

present essay aims to analyze Vigotsky’s premises for a potential curricular design transformation, so it

is relevant in the context of the twenty-first century. Consequently, an evaluation of some of Vigotsky’s academic premises was carried out. They were examined from a critical pedagogy perspective using documentary analysis of his work and considering its interaction with the curriculum. In conclusion, Vygotsky’s premise on overcoming biological, individualistic, and academic reductionism in learning, sociocultural reality, the influence of social structure in human behavior, and students’ cultural age must overthrow the notion that describes students as empty containers that need to be filled with content. All of which require curricular design innovations to favor the curriculum’s pertinence, relevance, and significance as a knowledge area, product (curricular structure) correspondent with classroom reality in the educational system in general.

Author Biography

César Toruño Arguedas, Universidad Técnica Nacional

César Toruño Arguedas

Universidad Técnica Nacional

Alajuela, Costa Rica


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How to Cite

Toruño Arguedas, C. (2020). Vigotsky’s contributions and critical pedagogy for the transformation of curriculum design in the twenty-first century. Innovaciones Educativas, 22(33), 186–195.