Typographic marking of emphasis on reasoning items in an admission test
aptitud test, interview, Reasoning, university, typography, admissionAbstract
Abstract: This essay was the result of an investigation about the relevance of typographic marking in reasoning items in a verbal and mathematical context of the Academic Aptitude Test (PAA) of the University of Costa Rica. The objective was to gather evidence on the interference of the marking (bold, underlined and capital letters) in the instruction of the selected ítems, and to observe if there are variations in the technical properties when these emphasis marks are present. From an exploratory study with a qualitative approach, information was collected from interviews with a selected group of first-time students at the University for 2019 and a pilot test was applied to analyze the technical quality of the items with emphatic marking differences; the detail with the results of this experimental test is expected in a second publication. The analysis focused on the particles "No", "False" "True" "With certainty" and "Contradicts" and the reasons for maintaining their marking, according to the interviewees, due to three fundamental reasons: 1. It is a strategy to highlight words clues such as negations, 2. Clarifies the question or instruction of the item, 3. Allows to maintain attention during reading. The main results show that there is no significant difference between maintaining or eliminating the marking regardless of the type of item and population, so that it should be dispensed with for a standardized test such as the PPA.
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