Project-Based Learning of dispersion measures in search of statistical culture in a rural context

Project-Based Learning of dispersion measures in search of statistical culture in a rural context




education, statistics, dispersion measures, statistical culture, project-based learning, PBL


This paper systematizes the results of the research by means of which one identifies the way in which the project-based learning strategy can contribute to the development of the statistical culture. This with regard to the dispersion measures of the student body in a rural context and who are in the eleventh grade at the San Isidro Educational Institution, located in Colombia. This research was developed under a qualitative approach and in accordance with the guidelines of participatory action research. First, the literature that theoretically addresses, among other topics, the teaching of statistics, dispersion measures, statistical culture and project-based learning is reviewed. Then, according to the methodological design, a diagnosis is made that showed the need to implement the PBL (Project-Based Learning) pedagogical strategy to address the issue of dispersion measures, in the search for use, interpretation and critical argumentation. As for the execution of the PBL, it takes place in the midst of social isolation and, therefore, the procedure in the classroom is redesigned for work activities at home. The results of this process, allowed the conclusion that, although significant achievements were made in terms of the development of a project and data management, due to situations such as social isolation, the expected levels of statistical culture were not reached. This situation leaves a greater reflection that, when implementing this type of strategies, the interaction of the student with his/her classmates and the constant communication with the teacher is essential.

Author Biographies

Alba Bibiana Rojas Ortigoza, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Alba Bibiana Rojas Ortigoza

Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Tunja, Colombia


Cristian Camilo Fúneme Mateus, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Cristian Camilo Fúneme Mateus

Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Tunja, Colombia



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How to Cite

Rojas Ortigoza, A. B., & Fúneme Mateus, C. C. (2021). Project-Based Learning of dispersion measures in search of statistical culture in a rural context. Innovaciones Educativas, 23(35), 73–87.