Experience of the Supervised Professional Practice course of the Guidance major, in remote modality, National University, Costa Rica during the year 2020

Experience of the Supervised Professional Practice course of the Guidance major, in remote modality, National University, Costa Rica during the year 2020





pedagogical guidance, higher education, university student, pandemic, remote presence, education


In the context of the pandemic caused by the virus responsible for COVID-19, there are innumerable changes at a global level in the face of an emerging reality. Therefore, higher education takes on the challenge of transforming traditional methodologies. Given this, the objective of this systematization is to analyze the methodological and assessment modifications in the Supervised Professional Practice course of the Guidance major in 2020, developed in a remote modality. The analysis is viewed from the role of the academic person in charge of the course and the items corresponding to the evaluation, which shows that the remote face-to-face modality influenced the implementation of new skills, both of the teaching staff in the planning of the class sessions as well as for students when doing their practice. For this reason, a practice planned and executed from the contextual reality is evidenced, an aspect that generates a greater bond of the students with their work. The main conclusion is that the remote modality in Supervised Professional Practice must be maintained by 2021, since it would not be convenient to expose the student body to health risks, relocation of residence, job changes and readjustments in the personal and family sphere. In addition, from the student and teaching experience, positive results of the execution from this modality stand out.

Author Biography

German Eduardo González-Sandoval, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica

German González-Sandoval

Universidad Nacional

Heredia, Costa Rica


ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9149-7635


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How to Cite

González-Sandoval, G. E. (2021). Experience of the Supervised Professional Practice course of the Guidance major, in remote modality, National University, Costa Rica during the year 2020. Innovaciones Educativas, 23(35), 143–160. https://doi.org/10.22458/ie.v23i35.3559



Articles in the Format of Experience Systematization