Current Challenges in Mathematics Education

Current Challenges in Mathematics Education




Teaching of Mathematics, teacher training, Math talent, educational technology, Mathematics


Mathematics Education, as a scientific field, analyzes and improves this discipline’s teaching and learning, tackling a variety of issues, problems, and obstacles concerning teaching and learning, teachers and learners, as well as its socio-cultural, political, and economical contexts, among many others. In their quest for solutions and answers, teachers and researchers face different challenges to implement research and innovation actions that will improve Math learning in students. In this article, we briefly reflect on three of the current challenges, related to the use of technology, attention to mathematically gifted students, and teacher training. We discuss some aspects of each challenge, and we also provide references for further reflection on the topic. 

Author Biographies

Ángel Gutiérrez, Universidad de Valencia

Ángel Gutiérrez

Universidad de Valencia

Valencia, España  

Adela Jaime, Universidad de Valencia

Adela Jaime

Universidad de Valencia

Valencia, España


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez, Ángel, & Jaime, A. (2021). Current Challenges in Mathematics Education. Innovaciones Educativas, 23(34), 198–203.