Deep Learning in teacher training: Experience with students of Education Teaching at the Universidad de Costa Rica

Deep Learning in teacher training: Experience with students of Education Teaching at the Universidad de Costa Rica




Deep learning, critical thinking, pedagogical skills, teaching and training


This paper presents a learning lab’s development from a critical reflection experience of the learning-teaching process within the classroom. The objective is to help teachers learn to create didactic strategies that establish a relation between the disciplinary content and students’ daily lives. Also, it urges teachers to ponder on their own teaching model and how it could change within a more significant process. This experience with students majored in Education and Teaching at Universidad de Costa Rica is based on the Deep Learning approach. For this reason, it uses critical reflection towards the change of paradigm through reading analyses, discussion forums, and the design of didactic strategies. The findings suggest teachers’ contribution regarding strategy creation for significant and enduring learning in the students’ lives is necessary. Also, it suggests the need to transcend superficial teaching towards deep learning and to transform the academy into a center of experience capitalization in order to know how to act in class, think for the class, and learning for teaching. 

Author Biography

Catty Orellana Guevara, Universidad de Costa Rica

Catty Orellana-Guevara 

Universidad de Costa Rica

San José, Costa Rica 


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How to Cite

Orellana Guevara, C. (2020). Deep Learning in teacher training: Experience with students of Education Teaching at the Universidad de Costa Rica. Innovaciones Educativas, 22(33), 208–221.



Articles in the Format of Experience Systematization