Número 40, Volumen 26.

Número 40, Volumen 26.


Innovaciones Educativas Magazine publishes its 40th issue, volume 26.

The Center for Research in Education is pleased to present the most recent edition of the Journal Innovaciones Educativas, corresponding to number 40, volume 26, under the title "Innovation and Challenges in 21st Century Education: Global and Local Perspectives", this academic publication stands out for its relevant and insightful content, aimed at professionals engaged in the field of education.

In this issue, we dive into issues of great transcendence for education with an innovative and reflective approach, for this reason, the articles presented explore diverse perspectives on globalization, social inequality, innovation in higher education, intercultural teacher training, and the challenges experienced during the virtualization of teaching, among other relevant topics.

Globalization and Social Inequality reveals the implications of these processes on adult education, providing useful information for understanding these dynamics and for designing inclusive and equitable educational strategies to address existing disparities in access to education.

The section dedicated to Innovation in Higher Education goes beyond technology, highlighting the importance of considering the complexity inherent in this concept. We invite education professionals to explore new perspectives and approaches in their pedagogical practices.

Intercultural teacher training emerges as a central theme, highlighting its impact on the inclusion of migrant students. We reflect on this approach that fosters diversity and respect in the educational environment, preparing teachers to address the needs of an increasingly diverse student population.

In addition, we address challenges inherent in Educational Virtualization, reflecting on how faculty coped with the changes resulting from the COVID-19 health emergency. These findings are essential for those who seek to improve their skills in online teaching and understand the new dimensions of this modality.

The journal also presents successful experiences in continuing education through digital marketing, innovative proposals for the evaluation and improvement of educational quality, and reflections on transdisciplinarity and eco-training as alternatives to traditional education.

Reading these articles provides education professionals with a broad and up-to-date perspective on the challenges and opportunities in their daily work. It is a valuable resource for those seeking to enrich their pedagogical practice, promote inclusion and diversity in the classroom, and adapt to the demands of 21st century education.

To access the full journal and explore these resources, we invite you to visit the Educational Innovations website at State Distance University.

Press Contact:

Jensy Campos-Cespedes

Director - Editor

Universidad Estatal a Distancia

San José, Costa Rica

