Nuevo - Vol. 25 No. 39

Nuevo - Vol. 25 No. 39


Journal "Innovaciones Educativas" Journal presents its Volume 25, Number 39: Contributions and Reflections for Educational Quality from Research

San José, August 2023 - The academic journal "Innovaciones Educativas" is pleased to announce the publication of its latest volume, number 39.

The journal Innovaciones Educativas is a biannual publication and a fundamental space for analysis, discussion and reflection, through specialized contributions of outstanding researchers and is dedicated to disseminate specialized intellectual productions in various areas of scientific knowledge related to education.

This second issue of the year 2023, entitled "Aportes y Reflexiones para la Calidad Educativa desde la Investigación", presents a carefully chosen selection of manuscripts by Ibero-American researchers. These articles, essays, systematizations and scientific editorials contribute significantly to the advancement of knowledge in the educational field, addressing relevant and current topics.

The journal "Innovaciones Educativas" is proud to be an open access publication, with no monetary cost for the authors and no cost for reading and downloading the contents. It is managed by one of the research units of the Universidad Estatal a Distancia: Centro de Investigaciones en Educación (CINED) and is part of the efforts for the dissemination of knowledge made by the Costa Rican public higher education system.

The journal accepts a variety of types of content, including scientific articles, essays, systematizations of experiences and bibliographic reviews, which are subjected to rigorous evaluation processes through the "double-blind peer review" system and receives manuscripts throughout the year.

The current issue, Volume 25, Number 39, focuses on offering reflections and research experiences to promote educational quality from research, including works ranging from the evaluation of formative research in Distance and Online Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, to the effective implementation of corrective feedback in virtual foreign language classes. It is possible to access the current issue and previous editions through its digital platform with ISSN 2215-4132, as well as in print format with ISSN 1022-9825.

For more information, please visit the "Innovaciones Educativas" website at
