About the Journal

Aims & Scope

Innovaciones Educativas is a publication edited by the Centro de Investigaciones en Educación (CINED) of the Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica, in which original works of an academic nature are published that include research results, essays and bibliographic reviews in the field of educational innovation and issues related to the study of Educational Sciences. The publication languages are Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Aim: Promote a space for the dissemination of analysis, discussion and reflection in the educational area in light of the contributions of national and international specialists in the educational sciences; With this, the public value that UNED provides to society from an interdisciplinary pedagogical thought will be strengthened.

Thematic coverage: The areas in which manuscripts will be received are all those related to educational sciences and their various fields of work.

Target audience: It is aimed at teaching staff, research staff, students, and professionals from related fields with educational science topics, as well as the general public.

Language: The articles are published in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Publication formats: PDF, HTML, EPUB, XML and Audio (for abstract).

Financing of the Magazine (Sponsor): Educational Innovations Magazine does not charge monetary charges for review, processing, evaluation or publication of articles. To guarantee that the Journal is free, the State Distance University and CINED finance the editing time, assistants, language and style revision and publication formats.

Periodicity: Innovaciones Educativas is a biannual publication that is published in the months of January (covers January 1 to June 30) and July (covers July 1 to December 31) of each year. Clarification: As of Vol. 24 - No. 36, the month of publication was changed as indicated above; Prior to this, the published numbers were made on a semi-annual basis in the months of June and December.

Peer review process (double blind)

Our journal complies with a series of scientific and academic criteria with the purpose of maintaining a rigorous accuracy. Our Editorial Team is grateful for the works you submit for revision. Works can be written by one or more authors and must not be submitted for revision before other printed or digital media.

Phases for the evaluation of contributions, controversial cases, document evaluation formats and results

1) The Editorial Team receives the articles, and they decide whether to continue in the peer review process or if their topic is outside the scope of the journal.

2) The articles received will be submitted to a double-blind opinion. The name of the author or authors is omitted and both their anonymity and that of the reviewers are reserved.

3) For the above, two reviewers (peer reviewers) will be assigned: an internal person assigned to the publishing institution and an external person to the institution editor; in all cases they are academic researchers and authors who have experience and background related to the subject matter of the documents submitted for review.

4) When the reviews of peer reviewers reveal cases of controversy, the editorial team will submit the document to a third reviewer external to the publishing institution. With these criteria, the editorial team will make the final decision of the document.

5) The reviewers will take into account in their evaluation of articles, essays, systematization of experience and bibliographic reviews, in addition to the described standards, that the works comply with the following Criteria:
-High academic content.
- Provide new knowledge on the subject.
- Demonstrate good argumentation and be supported theoretically or by factual research.
- Relevance in the field of Educational Sciences.
- Good use of language.
- Logical organization in the presentation of ideas and arguments.

6) As an input for the authors, the document evaluation forms used by the evaluator peers are made available to them. You can find the review templates in the documentation section of the journal: click here.

7) The approximate time for reviewing articles is 12 weeks, from the confirmation of receipt of the manuscript by the editorial team through OJS; this time includes the submission and review by internal and external evaluators and the internal process of elaboration of the resolution once the evaluation criteria are in place, after that, the condition of the manuscript will be communicated to you. In case of needing to extend the evaluation criteria, the extension of the term will be communicated.

6) The contents of each assessment is exclusively for internal use of the journal. The authors will know what is recommended through the resolution issued by the Editorial Team.

7) According to the result of the peer assessment, the Editorial Team decides if the article should be sent or not to a third reviewer.

8) The content of each evaluation is exclusively for internal use of the journal. The authors will know what is recommended through the resolution issued by the Editorial Team.

9) When the evaluation results of the peer evaluators are not available within the established period of time, new specialists in the subject will be identified to carry out the evaluation. and the authors will be notified of the extension of the review period.

10) The Editorial Team will notify the authors by means of a resolution of the results that are adopted as a result of the assessments of peer reviewers and the editorial team, among some of the following options:
- Accepted for publication: the article is accepted without modifications after peer review.
- Rejected for publication: the article is rejected for publication as a result of negative review by academic peers.
- Accepted with modifications: the article It is publishable as long as the authors make changes to the content and/or form. Making the changes does not guarantee the acceptance of the article. The authors will have 2 weeks to make the modifications in the article, essay or bibliographic review, from the sending of the resolution given by the Editorial Team.

11) In the case of manuscripts accepted with modifications, final decision for publication its acceptance and publication corresponds to the Editorial Team of the journal.

12) All articles received that are ascribed to the thematic profile of Educational Sciences in general, and educational innovation in particular they will be considered without this meaning that their publication is compulsory or the material sent is returned.

13) In order to have a wide and varied geographical and institutional origin, editorial openness is guaranteed and editorial inbreeding is avoided, which is why Every manuscript that is presented will be subject to review, however, if it is accepted, it cannot be published if the person The author or co-author has another publication in the current number, so you will have to wait until the next number.

14) The management of the magazine and the Editorial Team reserve the right to make editorial changes in the collaborations if deemed necessary.

Immediate open Access policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle of making research freely available to the public, which fosters a greater exchange of global knowledge. There is no charge for sending or publishing in the journal. All published works can be read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed, searched freely, and can be used and reused according to the Creative Commons license as indicated on this portal.

Copyright note & author´ s rights

The authors who publish their work in the journal Innovaciones Educativas retain their respective moral rights of authorship. The works published in the journal are covered under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license that allows the works published in the journal to be reused and redistributed without restrictions, provided the original work is cited and/or referenced correctly. In addition, if the work is accepted for publication in the journal, by my own disposition I give in favor of the State Distance University the patrimonial right on the work prepared for the Educational Innovations Magazine, as expressed in articles 16 and 39 of the General Law on Copyright and Related Rights No. 6683, according to Costa Rican regulations.


It is important to note that Vol. 15 - No. 21 to Vol. 23 - No. 34 are licensed under CC by NC and articles from Vol. 23 - No. Special onwards are licensed under CC by NC ND.

Adoption of ethics codes

The journal Innovaciones Educativas follows the standards and codes established in the document Ethical Principles and Good Editorial Practices of the Innovations Educational Journal, which you can consult by clicking on the documentation page of the Journal, click here.

Detecting plagiarism

All contributions received must comply with the originality requirement established in the guidelines for authors. Therefore, the texts received by the editor are subject to revision through the Turnitin program, to ensure the originality of the writing as well as the correct recognition of authorship in the sources cited. The Google search engine is also used to complement the results of the initial Turnitin software review.

It is the responsibility of the authors to respect the sources cited by duly acknowledging the authorship in each of them and using the correct citation as stipulated in the APA format. If during the review of the submitted collaboration irregularities were detected as to the originality of the text (including the so-called self-plagiarism) and in the correct recognition of the sources cited, the case will be made known to the Editorial Committee. This body will decide if a clarification on the matter is requested from the author to define if it is acceptable to correct the situation, or if the document is definitely rejected. Also, in the event that irregularities of this type are detected in texts already published, the Editorial Committee will issue a resolution stating that Innovaciones Educativas retracts from the article, and an explanatory letter will be forwarded to the author notifying the situation.

Digital preservation policies

All the content available on the website of the UNED Innovaciones Educativas Journal is backed-up daily on the servers of the Universidad Estatal a Distancia (State Distance University) (UNED), the publisher of the same. The unit responsible for carrying out this backup cycle is the Information and Communications Technology Department (DTIC), through two types of storage: one on a hard disk in a system called SAN, and the other hosted on magnetic tape in a backup robot. This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed file among the participating libraries, allowing these libraries to create permanent files of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes. Further information.

Protocol of interoperability

To view the protocol of interoperability, please refer to the URL: https://revistas.uned.ac.cr/index.php/innovaciones/oai

Self-archiving policy

Educational Innovations allows the self-archiving of published articles, in institutional repositories, thematic or personal web pages as long as what is indicated in the CC by NC ND license is indicated.

Guides for Authors

We invite you to read the guidelines for authors, which can be consulted by clicking on the Journal's documentation page, click here.

You must also make sure to use the official templates of the Journal according to the type of document submitted, you can find the templates in the documentation page of the Journal, click here.

