Learning How to Read Using TikTok: A Microlearning-Based Educational Resource
Educational Resource, Reading, Social Networks, Strategy and Self-learningAbstract
Reading is a necessary part of the learning process for young people. To achieve such learning, there are strategies based on the use of social networks, because they mobilise communication in a permanent and massive way. The aim of this research was to find out how TikTok can influence the way boys and girls learn to read in a school in Pichanaki, in the Junín region of Peru. The methodology of the study was based on a longitudinal pre-experimental design with a sample of students in the second cycle of education. The TikTok strategy was used for 10 weeks and the instrument was a validated observation guide (KR-0.81). The study concludes that TikTok can significantly improve the process of learning to read in childhood, according to the significance level of less than 0.05 obtained by the Wilcoxon test. Therefore, TikTok can be used as a digital educational tool to provide students with well-structured, easily accessible and entertaining content that achieves interactive and experiential learning.
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