Conceptualizing the "self" in social networks. Affection and narrative between the verbal and the nonverbal

Conceptualizing the "self" in social networks. Affection and narrative between the verbal and the nonverbal




Conceptualization, social networks, affect, story, ; health


This essay reflects on the subject's contemplation of the "self" when exporting one's personal image to social networks with the intention of being accepted.

It interpellates the reader through a critical reflection and proposes the approach of a hypothetical prosumer (Toffler, 1980) who brings a version of the "self" with which they identify or try to fit between reality and desire. This is an interdisciplinary and multitextual approach to the way the subject communicates through positive parameters a face, a body and a life (Erikson, 1974; Festinger, 1957; Kaplún, 1998).

We observe the recurrence of showing oneself, either with a real and genuine image or manipulated to the point of creating an idealized version (Barker, 2020; Koffermann, 2024).

It is proposed to redesign some workshops that aim to promote self-confidence, strengthen acceptance strategies and open up to diversity. Furthermore, an essay format is chosen to analyze the impact of the different versions of the self-image of adolescents in social networks on teacher training in media education ( Constructive discussion will be used to offer guidelines for intervention in both the educational and health fields.

The strategies are based on the analysis of the multimodal story that emerges from the definitions with which each subject projects his or her "self".

Author Biographies

Manuel J. Picado Sánchez , Universidad de Cádiz

Manuel J. Picado Sánchez  

Universidad de Cádiz

Cádiz, España


Teresa-G. Sibón Macarro , UNIVERSIDAD DE CÁDIZ

Teresa-G. Sibón Macarro

Universidad de Cádiz

Cádiz, España


Marcia Koffermann , Instituto de las Hijas de María

Marcia Koffermann

Instituto de las Hijas de María

São Paulo, Brasil


Bruna Caroline Marques Gonçalves , Faculdade Serra Dourada

Bruna Caroline Marques Gonçalves

Faculdade Serra Dourada

Lorena, Brasil




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How to Cite

Picado Sánchez , M. J., Sibón Macarro , T.-G., Koffermann, M., & Marques Gonçalves , B. C. (2024). Conceptualizing the "self" in social networks. Affection and narrative between the verbal and the nonverbal . Innovaciones Educativas, 26(Especial), 100–121.