Influencers who model values. Educational effects on the relationship of teenage followers.
Social Networks, Teenager, Identification, Education, MarketingAbstract
The influencer phenomenon has proliferated and created specific audiences, including teachers who can provide educational models for their followers. The follower-influencer relationship is based on identification and imitation, and its effects are more pronounced among younger followers. The study, based on a mixed methodology, consisted of the administration of a questionnaire to secondary school students in Spain (N=407; mean age 12 years, SD=0.209) in order to analyse the different follower relationships among teenage followers of influencers on social networks. Semi-structured interviews with textual, analytical and reflective analysis were also conducted with influencers from different fields that the adolescents themselves reported following, in order to learn about their perceptions of educational influence. The results show that minors are aware of the commercial role of such people; however, influencers do not consider their educational impact, which is only perceived by teacher influencers. It is concluded that it is important to understand and regulate the influence of these influencers on minors, recognising their educational role and their responsibility in the content they share on social networks.
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