The use of TikTok to improve first year undergraduates' speaking accuracy
TikTok, Socia media, Picture description strategy, Oral Expression, RecordingsAbstract
The present study analyzed the contribution of the picture description strategy through the TikTok application to the improvement of speaking accuracy of five undergraduate students from higher education in Chile. Participants had difficulties when speaking was required, and using TikTok inside the classroom might have a positive outcome as it is an innovative and engaging way of practicing speaking accuracy for students. The research consisted of four intervention sessions where different grammar and vocabulary contents were reviewed. A pre-and post-intervention test, along with a focus group and a rating scale, were applied to the participants to collect data based on two research objectives: to assess students' speaking accuracy skills after using the describing picture strategy in videos uploaded to the TikTok application and to analyze students' perceptions regarding the intervention using TikTok and their improvement in speaking accuracy. The results indicated that using the picture description strategy through TikTok was beneficial for improving participants' speaking accuracy performance as participants felt and demonstrated an improvement in their grammar and vocabulary performance. Moreover, the perception regarding TikTok usage in an educational context was positive as they highlighted the usefulness and easiness of its use.
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