Approach to the assessment process for formative learning with an ethical sense

Approach to the assessment process for formative learning with an ethical sense




formative assessment, evaluation of previous knowledge, feedback , ethical sense, education, ethic


This essay seeks to carry out an approach to formative assessment with an ethical sense at the service of learning, providing the teacher with a reflection on assessment functions, examples, techniques and instruments, as well as assessment types and moments. Therefore, the essay's objective is to analyze the formative evaluation with an ethical sense at the service of learning, which requires knowing the diversity of students. Thereupon, the conclusion is that formative learning assessments with an ethical sense allow teachers to become professionals who embrace and get committed to the diversity of the students in their class while searching to achieve learning; likewise, the students obtain self-regulation to become expert apprentices.

Likewise, some strategies are provided so that it can be thought that the evaluation goes hand in hand with learning.

Therefore, it is concluded that the evaluation for formative learning with an ethical sense allows the teaching staff to become a professional who manages to appropriate and commit to various forms, styles and learning rhythms of the student in the context of their class in search of learning achievement; likewise, that the student self-regulate to become an expert learner.

Author Biographies

Sandra Zúñiga Arrieta, Sistema Nacional de Acreditación de la Educación Superior

Education Sciences Degree and Master's Degree in Educational Evaluation from the University of Costa Rica (UCR). Researcher at the Network for Initial Literacy in Central America and the Caribbean (Red LEI) and at the National Observatory of Inclusive Education (ONEI). Teacher at the University of Costa Rica (UCR) and the National Technical University (UTN) in Curriculum and Evaluation. Academic of the National System of Higher Education Accreditation (SINAES). Author and Co-author of articles related to evaluation, inclusion, accreditation, teacher profile, early childhood.

Mario Alberto Segura Castillo, Universidad de Costa Rica

Teacher at the University of Costa Rica, School of Guidance and Special Education, Costa Rica. Master in Educational Evaluation, UCR. Master in Education in Democracy and Values, University of Barcelona. Doctor in Education in Pedagogical Mediation, Universidad La Salle de Costa Rica.


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How to Cite

Zúñiga Arrieta, S., & Segura Castillo, M. A. (2023). Approach to the assessment process for formative learning with an ethical sense . Innovaciones Educativas, 25(38), 129–139.