Interculturality: an epistemological response to managing the Non-Formal Education administration cycle in five non-formal educational spaces with migrant people

Interculturality: an epistemological response to managing the Non-Formal Education administration cycle in five non-formal educational spaces with migrant people




interculturality, non-formal education, education management, epistemology, learning process, cultural diversity


This article presents the main findings of a research carried out with a qualitative approach, presented as a final graduation work, which defines its bases and recognizes its scope in a theoretical construction on the contributions of interculturality in non-formal educational processes in which migrants participate. Its development was based on the theme of interculturality as a liberating phenomenon from the “threat of being different” capable of transforming Non-Formal Education (NFE) and its management into an opportunity for learning and freedom. Through the triangulation of research techniques (in-depth interviews, questionnaires, non-participatory observations, and document research), data and sources, working from the perspective of the five participating organizations: Alianza VenCR, Casas de la Alegría, SEPROJOVEN, Fundación Mujer y Cenderos- all of them located in Costa Rica. Among the findings of the study, we have that interculturality is the epistemic response to the various processes of NFE carried out in organizations. We concluded that NFE, conceived from the point of view of interculturality, has a thematic and methodological scope that generates learning and knowledge from other worldviews, frontlines of knowledge, and perspectives.

Author Biography

Ana Cristina Ceciliano Piedra, Universidad de Costa Rica

Ana Cristina Ceciliano Piedra

Universidad de Costa Rica

San José, Costa Rica



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How to Cite

Ceciliano Piedra, A. C. (2022). Interculturality: an epistemological response to managing the Non-Formal Education administration cycle in five non-formal educational spaces with migrant people. Innovaciones Educativas, 24(36), 117–130.