Aims & Scope

Aims & Scope

Innovaciones Educativas is a publication edited by the Centro de Investigaciones en Educación (CINED) of the Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica, according to agreement 2497-2016 of the UNED University Council, in the CINED regulations, article 3 paragraph "k". The Journal publishes works of an academic nature are published that include research results, essays and bibliographic reviews in the field of educational innovation and issues related to the study of Educational Sciences. 

Aim: Promote a space for the dissemination of analysis, discussion and reflection in the educational area in light of the contributions of national and international specialists in the educational sciences; With this, the public value that UNED provides to society from an interdisciplinary pedagogical thought will be strengthened.

Mission: Contribute to the development of scientific knowledge in education, through the publication and dissemination of manuscripts related to the educational field under the principles of open science and with high quality standards.

Vision: To establish itself as one of the most recognized Latin American scientific journals in the field of education for its academic quality, solidity, and visibility.

Thematic coverage: The areas in which manuscripts will be received are all those related to educational sciences and their various fields of work.

Target audience: It is aimed at teaching staff, research staff, students, and professionals from related fields with educational science topics, as well as the general public.

Language: The articles are published in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Publication formats: PDF, HTML, EPUB, XML and Audio (for abstract).

Financing of the Magazine (Sponsor): In order to guarantee the free character of the magazine, both for the authors and for the readers, the Center for Educational Research (CINED) of the Universidad Estatal a Distancia finances the necessary resources for the edition of each issue: time support of academic staff, assistants, philological and stylistic review, translations, design and layout, management of social networks and other related economic costs.

Periodicity: Innovaciones Educativas is a biannual publication that is published in the months of January (covers January 1 to June 30) and July (covers July 1 to December 31) of each year. Clarification: As of Vol. 24 - No. 36, the month of publication was changed as indicated above; Prior to this, the published numbers were made on a semi-annual basis in the months of June and December.

Brief history of the Journal: The Innovaciones Educativas Journal was created in 1993 as one of the first scientific journals of the Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica; it was created with the intention of being a publication space for academics and professionals in the social sciences and education who wish to contribute to the improvement of the country's education, with theoretical and methodological contributions and research. Subsequently, the journal broadens its scope and aims to be a means of scientific dissemination in the international field and carries out the necessary processes for its dual publication, i.e., in digital and printed format, abandoning the latter and becoming an exclusively digital journal. In 2009, the journal joined Dialnet, during 2014 it joined Latindex, in 2015 it was included in DOAJ and Sicultura; two years later it joined REDIB, MIAR, LatinRev and Latinoamericana de Revistas. For the year 2018, it is included in ERIH PLUS, IRESIE and Actualidad Iberoamericana. During 2020 it reaches its indexing in ScieLO-Costa Rica and Amelica and, during 2022 it is included in CLASE-Biblat, Scilit, OAJI and DRJI.


Editorial flow:
