Ethical Principles & Good Editorial Practices

Declaration of Ethical Principles and Good Editorial Practices

The Innovaciones Educativas magazine is guided by those established in the document "Declaration of Ethical Principles and Good Editorial Practices of the Innovaciones Educativas magazine", which you can download by clicking here.

In general, the good practices that are promoted are:

- Editorial quality.
- Respect in editorial management.
- Open access.
- Recognition and respect for the production of the authors.
- Professional growth.
- Declaration of conflicts of interest.
- Peer Review.
- Similar publications.
- Respect people.
- Integrity of the investigation.
- Retractions and corrections of information.
- Dissemination of publications.

The Ethical Principles for both the authors, reviewers and the editorial team are detailed in the respective document, but in broad strokes:

- Author: integrity, quality, originality, informed consent, confidentiality, simultaneous application, acknowledgment of sources, accreditation of authorship, veracity of data, access and conservation of data, conflict of interest and disclosure, withdrawal of collaborations, responsibility for opinions, retraction and complaints.
- Reviewer: veracity, specialized review, respect for time, confidentiality, quality assurance, anonymity, impartiality, assessment report, conflict of interest.
- Editor and editorial team: Commitment to quality, monitoring and updating, quality of the manuscript, confidentiality, conflict of interest, publication decision, effectiveness and efficiency of editorial processes, respect for time, appropriate communication of results, resolution of ansubscribed, prevention of editorial inbreeding.

You can consult the document in its entirety by clicking here.
