The Professional Profile of the University Professor as an Educational Influencer: Students' Voices
Qualitative Analysis, Higher Education, University Student, Professor Influence, University ProfessorAbstract
This research project deals with the characteristics that a university professor must have in order to be considered an educational influencer from the perspective of Generation Z students. The study population consists of third year students of Office Administration and Business Education at the Professional Secretarial School of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of Costa Rica. The students completed an interview to obtain empirical information and to know the opinion of each participant, guaranteeing their anonymity. The methodological approach used in this study is qualitative and the method employed was phenomenological, which aims to describe the meaning of the experiences lived by each student interviewed. The results of this research demonstrate the multifaceted nature of the university educator as an influencer, who must have a balance between technical knowledge, soft skills, a deep commitment to the teaching and learning process, supported by digital technologies and social networks, in order to contribute to the integral formation of the student body. It is concluded that the student body highlights intrinsic and personal characteristics of the university professor influencer, such as motivation, empathy, patience and passion for teaching, as well as knowledge and pedagogical mediation, aspects that go beyond a presence in social networks.
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