Discussing a Concept for an Online Learning Platform with Rural Sixth-Grade Students in Mind: Evidence-Based Guidelines for Designers, Teachers, and Policy Change
social justice, bilingual education, rural education, Educational Materials, Human-Centered Design, Online Learning PlatformAbstract
While considerable research recognizes the need to promote linguistic and sociocultural learning among youth English language learners (ELLs) in rural communities, less research has explored the advantages of human-centered design (HCD) in achieving this goal. This study branches from a larger design research project to develop an online learning platform (FUNREAD), co-designed with English language teachers (ELTs), to promote linguistic and sociocultural learning among sixth grade ELLs in rural communities in Costa Rica. This study uses an HCD lens to analyze group interview data from two key national-level English curriculum advisers’ insights and suggestions for improving language learning, equity, and representation for rural ELLs in Costa Rica. Key findings include (1) the need to adapt teaching materials and available technologies to demographic characteristics of rural ELLs, (2) especially when rurality plays a major role in how teaching, materials development, and curricular decisions are made. The study concludes that social justice education, with an emphasis on equity, representation, and translanguaging to support English language acquisition, is crucial to the development of effective teaching materials for rural ELLs in Costa Rica. Evidence-based guidelines derived from HCD are provided to assist in the development process.
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