From the Depth of their Works. A feminist Analysis of Costa Rican Artists Works

From the Depth of their Works. A feminist Analysis of Costa Rican Artists Works


  • Patricia Oliva Barboza Universidad Estatal a Distancia



Inequality and art, women artists invisibility, women artists, art and feminism, art women deconstruction, corporalities, critical analysis


This article spawns from the homonymous investigation, and attempts to convey the sensations and perceptions of the plays Augustine and Vacio from a feminist perspective. Realizing that art cannot and should not be translated, far from suggesting a meaning, what is relevant is to measure its transgressiveness. When you find yourself in awe with such flawless plays that clearly retrieve the history of the pathologizing and expropriation of the female body, something that upsets one to such an extent that it cannot be kept inside, it behooves me to put together the pieces and externalize them as best as possible, and that is what I attempt to do in this article. What are the possible interpretations for a work of art? They are infinite, unlimited, and open with many winding paths. Here I present merely one of them

Author Biography

Patricia Oliva Barboza, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Costarricense. Graduada de la Maestría en Violencia de Género por la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR). Facilitadora en grupos de apoyo: Apropiación del cuerpo a través de la danza. Practicante de danza moderna. Investigadora feminista, integrante del Centro de Investigación en Cultura y Desarrollo (CICDE) de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica (UNED).


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How to Cite

Oliva Barboza, Patricia. 2017. “From the Depth of Their Works. A Feminist Analysis of Costa Rican Artists Works”. Revista Rupturas 7 (2):163-91.



Suplemento: Arte, feminismos y corporalidades