Women and Art as a Way of Self deconstruction: An Implicit Debate

Women and Art as a Way of Self deconstruction: An Implicit Debate


  • Patricia Oliva Barboza Universidad Estatal a Distancia




inequality and art, women artists invisibility, women artists, art and Feminism, art women deconstruction, corporalities


The initial debate raised in this article looks to recognize the several ways of deconstruction that every woman re- discovers from her own space; without necessarily being involved in political decisions nor being a self-proclaimed feminist. Also; that being part of a more indepth research process; close to the artists; leads to the need to retrieve and share the ways which they; as female Costa Rican artists ( who were part of the group that was interviewed ) have developed; reinvented and redefined and how these have become invaluable contributions to the breaking process. A process which undoubtedly helps and adds to the actions that challenge and transgress inequality within the movement of the performing arts.

Author Biography

Patricia Oliva Barboza, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Graduada de la Maestría en Violencia de Género por la Universidad de Costa Rica. Facilitadora en grupos de apoyo: Apropiación del cuerpo a través de la danza. Practicante de danza moderna. Investigadora feminista, integrante del Centro de Investigación en Cultura y Desarrollo (CICDE) de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica (UNED).



How to Cite

Oliva Barboza, Patricia. 2016. “Women and Art As a Way of Self Deconstruction: An Implicit Debate”. Revista Rupturas 7 (1):51-74. https://doi.org/10.22458/rr.v7i1.1611.


