Application of virtual laboratories in the Telecommunications Engineering degree program, UNED

Application of virtual laboratories in the Telecommunications Engineering degree program, UNED




Virtual laboratory, distance education, academic mediation, telecommunications, meaningful learning


The application of virtual and remote laboratories in Telecommunications Engineering is essential in its 100% virtual education model, since its inception in 2016. The objective of this work is to evaluate the results obtained and the mechanism of their application. The methodology applied was qualitative under a grounded theory design, where the results are contrasted with the theory and the authors are an active part of the process. The main results are the positive evaluation by the graduates of the course and the generation of significant learning through innovative mediation. The main conclusion is that the laboratories have fulfilled their objective and that the mediation is innovative. It is recommended that the course should be constantly updated and give more flexibility in mediation.


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How to Cite

Santamaría-Sandoval, J. R., Chanto-Sánchez, E., & Soto-Calderón, M. (2022). Application of virtual laboratories in the Telecommunications Engineering degree program, UNED . Revista Electrónica Calidad En La Educación Superior, 13(2), 88–106.



I International Conference on Academic Quality Management in Higher Education Institutions