Reconceptualization of the exit profile of the graduate from the redesign of the Study Plan of the Carrera Educación General Básica I y II Ciclos

Reconceptualization of the exit profile of the graduate from the redesign of the Study Plan of the Carrera Educación General Básica I y II Ciclos



Education Sciences and educational environment, University curricula, Primary education, Education professionals, Exit profiles and Relevance of education


The Carrera Educación General Básica I y II Ciclos, by redesigning its study plan, manages to reconceptualize from a renewed and current vision, the exit profile of the graduate. This was elaborated from capacities and learning results from an unusual curricular vision. The inputs that fed this process are the curricular analysis carried out in coordination with the Curricular Support and Learning Evaluation Program, an expanded investigation for the external, internal and administrative dimensions, as well as theoretical references. The profile becomes an ideal project for the Costa Rican primary education teacher, because it responds to the current demands of the profession and of the knowledge and information society.


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How to Cite

Palma-Rojas, K., & Mesén-Arias, V. (2022). Reconceptualization of the exit profile of the graduate from the redesign of the Study Plan of the Carrera Educación General Básica I y II Ciclos . Revista Electrónica Calidad En La Educación Superior, 13(2), 356–371. Retrieved from



I International Conference on Academic Quality Management in Higher Education Institutions