Local Development and Agriculture in Guatemala

Local Development and Agriculture in Guatemala


  • Guillermo Díaz Castellanos Universidad Rafael Landívar de Guatemala




Agriculture, development, local development, poverty, capital.


This article examines the role of agriculture as an engine of local development. To this end, the experience of four municipalities in Guatemala, where two large agricultural extension and two practiced small-scale agriculture is analyzed. The results show differences between groups. In the first the poverty rate remained high, while in the second the poverty rate fell by a significant amount over a period of six years. Municipalities differ in geographic location, size and ethnic composition, but have in common agriculture as main activity.

Author Biography

Guillermo Díaz Castellanos, Universidad Rafael Landívar de Guatemala

Economista guatemalteco, Doctor en sociología. Profesor de la Universidad Rafael Landívar, e investigador del Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas (IDIES) de esta misma universidad en Guatemala. Tiene maestría en Docencia Universitaria por la Universidad Rafael Landívar y Licenciatura en Economía por la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.

How to Cite

Díaz Castellanos, Guillermo. 2014. “Local Development and Agriculture in Guatemala”. Revista Rupturas 5 (1):49-69. https://doi.org/10.22458/rr.v5i1.714.


