Propuesta de privatización del BCR: Mitos y realidades sobre la banca pública y la banca privada en Costa Rica

Propuesta de privatización del BCR: Mitos y realidades sobre la banca pública y la banca privada en Costa Rica


  • Luis Paulino Vargas Solís Universidad Estatal a Distancia



Economy, Bank, Social Science


The privatization proposal of the Bank of Costa Rica (BCR), has made necessary to revisit the old controversy about the role and contributions of public banks in Costa Rica, relative to those offered by private banks, in the last months of 2022. In particular, President Chaves himself fueled the controversy by justifying his proposal, ensuring that private banking is more efficient than public banking, and that a private BCR would give better contributions than it delivers by being public. On the other hand, such statements reiterate a commonplace, solidly installed in the dominant neoliberal discourse in Costa Rica. These statements by President Chaves inspired this work, to try to answer a very basic question: is private banking really more efficient and bears fruit of greater social benefit than public banking? This article proves that to be false.

Author Biography

Luis Paulino Vargas Solís, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Costarricense. Es economista, Catedrático, profesor e investigador en la Universidad Estatal a Distancia, (UNED), de Costa Rica.


Avendaño Arce, Manuel, “Bancos estatales ven en plan de aporte solidario al Gobierno una oportunidad para librarse de cargas parafiscales”, El Financiero, acceso el 15 de enero de 2023,

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Córdoba González, Juan Diego. 2022. “Rodrigo Chaves: ‘El BCR le sirve más a Costa Rica en manos privadas’”. La Nación (San José), 9 de noviembre de 2022.

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2023-02-10 — Updated on 2023-03-02


How to Cite

Vargas Solís, Luis Paulino. (2023) 2023. “Propuesta De privatización Del BCR: Mitos Y Realidades Sobre La Banca Pública Y La Banca Privada En Costa Rica”. Revista Rupturas, March, 1-25.




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