Study of the extension of permanence in the Pharmacy career at the University of Costa Rica and proposals for its approach

Study of the extension of permanence in the Pharmacy career at the University of Costa Rica and proposals for its approach




academic performance, simulation of study plans, university permanence, college dropout


Introduction: the extension of the student stays in Pharmacy led the career to investigate the impact that the curriculum and some key courses have on this increase. Aim: to analyze the behavior in the approval of selected courses of the Pharmacy career of the UCR and its impact on the permanence and graduation of the students. Methods: in the first stage, a quantitative study was carried out with a descriptive and longitudinal, exploratory approach, which retrospectively analyzes information on the approval / failure of 46 selected courses from the two current study plans of the Pharmacy career, for the cohorts’ students from 2002 to 2018. In the second stage, the study plans were diagrammed in flows that related the approval requirements of the courses, their location in each study plan and the percentage of students who approved the course in the first enrollment, to obtain a suitable model to carry out the simulation. In the final stage, a model of the study plans was simulated, which made it possible to obtain the number of cycles required to complete the course of the plan. Results: the layout revealed that the courses with the lowest approval are in the first six cycles of the degree. An improvement of 21.8% and 16.4% is observed in the average of cycles required to reach the sixth level and the Bachelor of Pharmacy, respectively, when comparing Plan 2 implemented in 2016, compared to Plan 1. It was achieved Identify, through the simulation of the new study plan, that there are four courses that limit the progress of the student body to a greater extent (bottlenecks), since they present high percentages of failure and share a sequential flow in the plan. Conclusions: the simulation of the study plan allows projecting the results of the proposals that arise in the career before its implementation and guiding decisions towards better results. It is evident that the quantitative skills in the student body are fundamental to advance according to the study plan of the career in Pharmacy.

Author Biographies

Freddy Arias-Mora, Universidad de Costa Rica

Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Costa Rica. Correo electrónico:

Alex Núñez-Mena, Universidad de Costa Rica

Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Costa Rica. Correo electrónico:

María Gabriela Regueyra-Edelman, Universidad de Costa Rica

 Instituto de Investigación en Educación. Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Arias-Mora, F., Núñez-Mena, A., & Regueyra-Edelman, M. G. (2022). Study of the extension of permanence in the Pharmacy career at the University of Costa Rica and proposals for its approach. Revista Electrónica Calidad En La Educación Superior, 13(2), 25–42.


