The role of the mediator and the student in the face of new educational scenarios: COVID-19

The role of the mediator and the student in the face of new educational scenarios: COVID-19




Virtual platform, MOODLE, COVID-19, Mediator, Learning


The present work focused on assessing the functions and interrelationships of the mediator and the student in the context of pandemic involvement in the School of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences of UNAN León, with the purpose of suggesting strategies and conceptual elements in the virtual learning environment (VLE), useful to the teacher and student. The meaningful learning methodology, the participatory action methodology approach, was used. The results show the importance of developing ICT skills in teachers and students and improving the administrative technical conditions of the virtual environment, as well as developing innovation in mediators to transmit quality knowledge in pedagogical processes.

Author Biography

Carlos Alberto Zúniga-Gonzalez, Nacional Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Leon

Dr. Zúniga-González, has been a research professor in the agroecological engineering department, of the Faculty of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences, and the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, since 2000. From 2002 to mid-2007 , He has served as a teacher-administrator of the Agricultural Campus, where he administered the Veterinary Medicine Program and the Department of Agroecological Engineering of the Faculty of Science and Technology, He administered the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences until mid-2010, date goes to integrate the academic support team of Social Projection of Unan-León with the responsibility of Coordinator of the University-Society-State area and then as director.

His technical experience is in Agricultural Economics with an emphasis on Sustainable Local Development. He has conducted extensive research on the efficiency and productivity of agricultural farms, the environment and poverty in rural households, some work has been on the Central American area, there is experience in using the MECOVI databases, that is, surveys of improvement of standard of living from 1993 to 2005, as well as the 2005 Census of Agriculture. Dr. Zúniga González, has coordinated workshop courses on Rural Business Plans, Formulation and Evaluation of agricultural projects. Currently, he directs the Center for Research in Agrarian Sciences and Applied Economics, CICAEA and is coordinator of the Iberoamerican Network for Bioeconomy and Climate Change. Editor-in-Chief of the Iberoamerican journal of Bioeconomics and Climate Change, a scientific journal managed jointly with researchers from the Mexican Postgraduate College. Director of Social Projection at UNAN-León.


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How to Cite

Zúniga-Gonzalez, C. A. (2021). The role of the mediator and the student in the face of new educational scenarios: COVID-19. Revista Electrónica Calidad En La Educación Superior, 12(2), 279–294.


