Distance Education Model for the teaching of Agronomic Engineering in Costa Rica

Distance Education Model for the teaching of Agronomic Engineering in Costa Rica





Agronomic Engineering, Agriculture, Chairs, University Management


Teaching in science is usually systematic, currently constructivist and, sometimes, to some extent pragmatic. To be more objective, models of science education are increasingly integrated, agronomy does not escape this condition. In Costa Rica, education in Agronomic Engineering or Agricultural Sciences is represented mostly in public universities, its model is "face-to-face" and is justified by the practical nature of learning, but its way of approaching the sector differs between them. The teaching of this discipline under the model of "Distance Education" also considers the theoretical foundations of Agronomy in the country but uses the different technological tools to achieve its learning objectives. The teacher gets to develop skills and abilities, as many as the same student who learns from him. As an educational model strategy, the Agronomic Engineering degree teaches with an expanded agriculture approach, which is competitive, equitable and sustainable, it is a more active participation; It also seeks the implementation of good educational practices, through Socratic methods that promote independent and critical thinking. The distance model in Agronomic Engineering does not mean learning only online, it also involves the presence and practice of the field, the teacher is a mediator of the learning and the student is responsible for their progress, in addition there is greater coordination and commitment in all academic activities during their professional training.

Author Biographies

Wagner Peña-Cordero, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Cátedra Gestión Sostenible del Suelo (CGeSS), Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica. wpena@uned.ac.cr

Karla Montero-Jara, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Coordinación y apoyo académico, Ingeniería Agronómica, Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica. kmonteroj@uned.ac.cr. Escuela de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Apdo. 474-2050 San Pedro, San José, Costa Rica.

Andrés Zúñiga-Orozco, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Cátedra Producción Agrícola, Universidad Estatal a Distancia.  azuniga@uned.ac.cr

Adriana Mora-Jiménez, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Cátedra de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica.  amora@uned.ac.cr

Patricia Oreamuno-Fonseca, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Cátedra de Investigación, Extensión y Tecnología Agropecuaria, Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica ooreamuno@uned.ac.cr

Priscilla Morales-Córdoba, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Asistente Administrativa, Ingeniería Agronómica, Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica. vmorales@uned.ac.cr

Alfonso Rey-Corrales, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Cátedra de Producción Animal, Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica. arey@uned.ac.cr

Marco Córdoba-Cubillo, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Cátedra de Gestión Empresarial Agropecuaria, Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica. mcordoba@uned.ac.cr

Paola Brenes-Rojas, Universidad Estatal a Distancia

Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Profesora CGeSS, Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica pbrenes@uned.ac.cr


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How to Cite

Peña-Cordero, W., Montero-Jara, K., Zúñiga-Orozco, A., Mora-Jiménez, A., Oreamuno-Fonseca, P., Morales-Córdoba, P., Rey-Corrales, A., Córdoba-Cubillo, M., & Brenes-Rojas, P. (2020). Distance Education Model for the teaching of Agronomic Engineering in Costa Rica. Revista Electrónica Calidad En La Educación Superior, 11(2), 135–157. https://doi.org/10.22458/caes.v11i2.3329


