Are metaphor and metonymy useful contents for teaching-learning process on proofreading?

Are metaphor and metonymy useful contents for teaching-learning process on proofreading?


  • Daniela Soledad Gonzalez Universidad Nacional de Cuyo



: university didactics, teaching-learning, metaphor, metonymy, proofreading


Due to the need of giving a class on metaphor and metonymy in a diplomacy about proofreading, it arose the question of the degree of pedagogical usefulness for this particular issue. In this article, it will be explained why teaching metaphor and metonymy in the field of proofreading can be useful. A particular case of adaptation of this subject will be presented, which took place in a class for a diplomacy about proofreading in Mendoza, Argentina, in 2018. Finally, findings of this experience will be collected and some considerations will be made on pedagogical implications of the inclusion of metaphor and metonymy in the curriculum about proofreading. It is concluded that metaphor and metonymy position themselves, indeed, as very useful notions in the field of proofreading teaching, mainly because they increase student’s motivation and provide significance to classes. Conclusions will be close with the projection of a future investigation that continues along the lines discussed in this article.

Author Biography

Daniela Soledad Gonzalez, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

Daniela Soledad Gonzalez es Profesora en Lengua y Literatura, Licenciada en Letras y Doctora en Letras por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, donde se desempeña como profesora adjunta. Es becaria posdoctoral del CONICET. Ha participado de numerosos eventos científicos en el país y en el exterior. Además, ha realizado diversas publicaciones de nivel internacional.


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How to Cite

Gonzalez, D. S. (2019). Are metaphor and metonymy useful contents for teaching-learning process on proofreading?. Revista Electrónica Calidad En La Educación Superior, 10(1), 160–181.


