Characteristics of an innovative educational project: an academic challenge at the master´s level

Characteristics of an innovative educational project: an academic challenge at the master´s level


  • Kattia Rebeca Rodríguez-Brenes Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
  • Martín Velázquez-Díaz Ministerio de Educación Pública
  • Jeffrie Conejo-Vargas Universidad Nacional



This paper is aimed by three students of the Master in Technology and Educational Innovation (MATIE) of the National University of Costa Rica (UNA). It presents some concepts and characteristics related to educational innovation, in order to guide the academic practices of those who wish to initiate an innovative project within an educational context, especially if it is part of the training process in the MATIE in Technology and Educational Innovation MATIE) of the National University (UNA), as it is part of the graduation requirements. In order to carry out this research, bibliographical revisions of the terms were reviewed, official documents were consulted, the experiences of the participants of the masters were presented, and the academic, administrative, teachers and graduates of MATIE were interviewed with the purpose of generating a concrete vision on the characteristics, advantages and the management concerning an innovative project. In this research, the concept of educational innovation is basic. Francisco Imbernón (1996) explains that “educational innovation is the attitude and the process of inquiry of new ideas, proposals and contributions, carried out collectively, for the solution of problematic situations of the practice, which will entail a change in the contexts and in the institutional practice of education.” Based on information gathered at the teaching, administrative and student levels of MATIE, it is also important to outline the innovative person, characteristics and performance in activities related to the technological development and its performance in several levels and modalities of education. In conclusion, MATIE provides the opportunity to develop and take advantage of ICT for the design, construction and evaluation of learning environments face-to-face, bimodal and virtual. This prompts the graduates to be managers of online learning environments that promote the overcoming of barriers and limitations that education faces, in order to generate new scenarios and manage processes that facilitate new models and training strategies.

Author Biographies

Kattia Rebeca Rodríguez-Brenes, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional

 Kattia Rebeca Rodríguez-Brenes, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Costa Rica. Correo electrónico:


Martín Velázquez-Díaz, Ministerio de Educación Pública

Martín Velázquez-Díaz, Ministerio de Educación Pública, Costa Rica. Correo electrónico:

Jeffrie Conejo-Vargas, Universidad Nacional

Jeffrie Conejo-Vargas, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Brenes, K. R., Velázquez-Díaz, M., & Conejo-Vargas, J. (2018). Characteristics of an innovative educational project: an academic challenge at the master´s level. Revista Electrónica Calidad En La Educación Superior, 9(1), 322–355.


