The specialist teacher in hearing and language: facing the challenge of innovation in the evaluation of students with special needs

The specialist teacher in hearing and language: facing the challenge of innovation in the evaluation of students with special needs




At present, the teacher in hearing and language consolidates as a teaching specialty, and his markedly itinerant character in schools is noteworthy. The present study has tried to make a qualitative approach to the core of the evaluation process, both diagnostic and curricular, which develops this profile of specialist teacher. It has been tried to glimpse the character that said professionals grant to the evaluation in their performance and the implications in order to promote an educational sense to it. Among the conclusions, we can see a marked individual-diagnostic accent in this intervention, providing as a conclusion what would constitute the lines of action to enhance a collaborative-training profile in the development of student assessment by these professionals.

Author Biographies

Antonio Luque de la-Rosa, Universidad de Almería

Profesor de plantillaDepartamento de EducaciónUniversidad de Almería

Carmen María Hernández-Garre, Universidad de Almería

Profesora contratada
Departamento de Educación
Universidad de Almería

María del Mar Fernández-Martínez, Universidad de Almería

Profesora contratada
Departamento de Educación
Universidad de Almería


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How to Cite

Luque de la-Rosa, A., Hernández-Garre, C. M., & Fernández-Martínez, M. del M. (2018). The specialist teacher in hearing and language: facing the challenge of innovation in the evaluation of students with special needs. Revista Electrónica Calidad En La Educación Superior, 9(1), 382–401.


