Bienvenido al portal Revistas UNED de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia. Aquí encontrará las revistas científico-académicas editadas por la institución en diversos ámbitos. Lo invitamos a explorar nuestro sitio y su contenido que es de acceso abierto para todo el público.


  • UNED Research Journal

    UNED Research Journal / Cuadernos de Investigación UNED j is an indexed  international scientific journal that is published online (ISSN 1659-441X). Pre-publication drafts are published as soon as they are available, adding them to the table of contents of the next issue under the modality of continuous publication. Until December 2023 it was published twice a year, and changed to a single issue of continued publication, covering from January 1 through December 31, starting January 2024.

    Its aim is to publish university research of international quality. We publish articles in all fields of science. The journal is aimed at an academic audience. This journal provides immediate free open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public, fosters a greater global exchange of knowledge. We do not charge authors or readers, and all our content is available with a CC BY 4.0 license.

  • Innovaciones Educativas

    Innovaciones Educativas is an academic journal founded in 1993 in the School of Educational Sciences of Universidad Estatal a Distancia (State Distance Learning University). This journal is a semi-annual publication issued in June and December each year in its digital version (ISSN 2215-4132) and in its printed version (ISSN 1022-9825). Our target readers are teachers, research personnel, students and professionals in the education domain at a national and international level.  Innovaciones Educativas is an open access journal and it is free of charge for those submitting their manuscripts for publishing, as well as the reading and downloading of files is free. Our purpose is to foster a space for analysis, discussion, and reflection in the educational field in the light of the contributions of specialists in this area.

  • Posgrado y Sociedad Revista Electrónica del Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado

    The Journal Posgrado y Sociedad is a free and open access biannual publication (January-June, July-December) of the Graduate Studies System of the Universidad Estatal a Distancia of Costa Rica. Its purpose is to share knowledge derived from scientific productions resulting from research works in social, administrative, exact and natural and educational sciences, generated by graduate students, researchers and experts, and to encourage reflection on current issues that impact society. The Journal is aimed at both, the academic and the general public with medium training.

  • Revista Electrónica Calidad en la Educación Superior

    La Revista Electrónica Calidad en la Educación Superior (CAES), ISSN: 1659-4703es una publicación electrónica dirigida por el Instituto de Gestión de la Calidad Académica (IGESCA), editada dos veces al año (mayo-noviembre). El objetivo de la revista es difundir experiencias tendientes a propiciar la calidad en la educación superior, experiencias en autoevaluación, acreditación de la calidad, educación superior a distancia, educación virtual, gestión y aseguramiento de la calidad, realizadas tanto en el ámbito nacional como el internacional, así como promover la discusión y el aporte a la sociedad de hoy en el mejoramiento continuo de los procesos académicos. 

  • Repertorio Científico

    "Repertorio Científico", is a research journal,  published twice a year (June and December). It  belongs to the School of Exact and Natural Sciences (ISSN 1021-6294 printed and ISSN 2215-5651 digital from 2019), of Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED). Accepted contributions are published online continuously as they area vailable. Its objective is the dissemination of academic work and the contributions of science and technology at the service of society. Its thematic coverage includes Exact Sciences, Sustainable Production, Computer Science, Natural Resources, Health sciences and Quality of Life. Its target audience is mainly professionals and students from these areas, however, it allows the public to generate knowledge in various topics of the exact and natural sciences. It is open access and has no cost of sending or processing  for those articles which are received for publication process.

  • Revista Espiga

    La Revista Espiga es el medio de difusión y de referencia académica nacional e internacional de la Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (ECSH), para la producción intelectual especializada en conocimiento social y humanístico. Se publica semestralmente, de manera digital, ISSN 2215-454X. (La versión impresa fue suspendida temporalmente a partir del 2020 a consecuencia de la pandemia; en el 2023, el Comité Editorial suspende esta versión de forma definitiva.) El público meta es la comunidad de investigadores nacionales e internacionales, estudiantes y todas aquellas personas que se interesen en las ciencias sociales y las humanidades. Es de acceso abierto y no tiene costo de envío ni procesamiento de los escritos para quienes decidan publicar.

  • The National Administration Review

    La Revista Nacional de Administración RNA / The National Administration Review NAR, of the School of Management Sciences, UNED is published every six months (ISSN 1659-4908 Printed and ISSN 1659-4932 digital). Its objective is to contribute to the scientific and technical knowledge of adminsitration. the journal is aimed at an academic audience, mainly professionals and students from these areas, however, it allows the general public to acquire knowledge in various subjects of the administration sciences. It is open access and has no cost of sending or processing the manuscripts for those who decide to publish.

  • Revista Rupturas

    Revista Rupturas es una revista científica semestral, gratuita y de acceso abierto, editada por el Centro de Investigación en Cultura y Desarrollo. Su primer número comprende los meses de enero a junio y el segundo los meses de julio a diciembre. Su objetivo es abrir un espacio de intercambio, reflexión y debate científico desde diferentes enfoques teóricos y propuestas epistemológicas y metodológicas relacionadas con las ciencias sociales. El público al que se dirige es principalmente al académico -dedicado a investigación, docencia y extensión- y a estudiantes que se decantan en un esfuerzo investigativo, teórico, epistémico y metodológico.

    ISSN: 2215-2466

  • Biocenosis

    Biocenosis is a Centro de Educación Ambiental’s six-monthly publication from Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica (UNED) which has been edited since 1979. Currently, the magazine has the ISSN: 1659-4991 for its online version and the ISSN: 0250-6963 for its printed version, a format that is used only for the publication of extraordinary numbers.

    The scientific magazine´s purpose is to contribute with the process from awareness to taking action through environmental education. This one is addressed to educators, high school students and environmental managers. A relevant characteristic is to publish articles written on simple language without losing scientific accuracy which has positioned the magazine as a paper that contributes to disclose scientific information available for general public.

    All published works are free to download, and can be used and reused with respect for authorship and non-commercial purposes, in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license.

    Currently, it is included in the following information systems:


    Portal de revistas UNED

    Kímuk: Repositorio Nacional de Costa Rica


    Google Scholar

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