DOCUMENTO: Dialectics of the Intelectual Property Pacts in the Free Trade and Biodiversity Agreements

DOCUMENTO: Dialectics of the Intelectual Property Pacts in the Free Trade and Biodiversity Agreements


  • Silvia Rodríguez Cervantes Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica



Commercial and biodiversity pacts, intellectual property


The globalized and expanded imposition of the intellectual property stipulations has been possible thanks to the signature of different free trade agreements, multilateral, bilateral and plurilateral. Formerly, the countries enjoyed the principle of territoriality to define such stipulations, among which and widely extended, any type of intellectual property on life forms was not accepted. Here we will analyze some aspects of the chapters of intellectual property included in several multilateral commercial pacts and the general content of another two related, this time, to the protection and sustainable use of the wild and domesticated biodiversity. We will examine later how these two pacts are afterwards submitted to the commercial ones due to the exploitation of the biological wealth must observe intellectual property rules. Finally, we will review the strategies used by some countries to globally impose those rules combining the use of different treaties, multilateral, bilateral and plurilateral.

Author Biography

Silvia Rodríguez Cervantes, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica

Doctora en Estudios del Desarrollo. Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison. Master en Sociología Rural. Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales/Universidad de Costa Rica. Licenciada en Trabajo Social. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Catedrática de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (1989). Ganadora del Premio Roberto Brenes Mesén (1999), máximo reconocimiento de la Universidad Nacional a sus académicos y académicas. Profesora Emérita de la Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales (2004). Entre sus publicaciones destaca: El despojo de la riqueza biológica: de patrimonio de la humanidad a recurso bajo soberanía del Estado. Editorial Itaca, México. D.F. (2011), y Editorial Universidad Nacional (2013).

How to Cite

Rodríguez Cervantes, Silvia. 2014. “DOCUMENTO: Dialectics of the Intelectual Property Pacts in the Free Trade and Biodiversity Agreements”. Revista Rupturas 5 (1):71-96.


