Sustainable Development “a la tica”: Geopolitics and Environment in Figueres Olsen Administration (1994-1998)

Sustainable Development “a la tica”: Geopolitics and Environment in Figueres Olsen Administration (1994-1998)


  • Claudio Monge Hernández Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica



Sustainable development, environmental policies, economic rationality, (bio)coloniality of power, geopolitics


The following article analyzes from a geopolitical and decolonial approach the environmental variable in the speeches and actions of the National Liberation party government of the former ex-president José María Figueres Olsen in Costa Rica (1994-1998). His government gave a central role to the sustainable development, turning it into a unifying force of the discourses and actions concerning both, his domestic and international public policies. The article demonstrates that this concept is used mostly according to some geopolitical conditions, regarding the international discussions about the relationship between society and nature within the boundaries of an economic model or theory about nature.

Author Biography

Claudio Monge Hernández, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica

Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Asesor técnico regional para el Programa Salud, Trabajo y Ambiente (SALTRA) del Instituto Regional de Estudios en Sustancias Tóxicas (IRET) de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. Miembro del Grupo de trabajo deespacialidad crítica en el pensamiento político–social latinoamericano: nuevas gramáticas de poder, territorialidades en tensióndel Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO).

How to Cite

Monge Hernández, Claudio. 2014. “Sustainable Development ‘a La tica’: Geopolitics and Environment in Figueres Olsen Administration (1994-1998)”. Revista Rupturas 5 (1):1-21.


