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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • ¿El documento que propone a consideración de esta revista cumple con todas y cada una de las indicaciones señaladas en nuestros lineamientos y en la guía de estilo?

Author Guidelines

A) First page of the article:

  1. Publication title both in Spanish and English. It should be consistent with the content of the article and not exceed 15 words.

  2. Summary of 120 words maximum in Spanish and accurate English translation of a similar length. For the summary, the following points must be taken into account:

a) Make sure that your summary reflects the purpose and content of your article.

b) Bear in mind that the summary is NOT an additional comment regarding your article.

c) Write your summary clearly using simple language and check your spelling.

d) Be short and concise.

e) Begin with the most important idea.

f) Do not include more than three findings of your research or concepts linked to your research in your summary.

g) Try to include words that you think your readers may use in their electronic search.

h) Record your research topic by means of a sentence and a very brief mention regarding your methodology that should enable the readers to find out quickly how you obtained your results.

i) Please verify the quality of the English translation.

  1. A maximum of five keywords in Spanish along with their corresponding translation in English.

  2. Short author’s CV of 120 words maximum with your full name, academic degree, institution or country where you work, recent professional career, research interests, email, home address and telephone.


B) Article format:

  1. A minimum of 15 and a maximum of 40 pages (including the visual elements in general without the bibliography).

  2. Font Arial number 11, double space, left alignment and no indents should be used.

  3. Side, upper and lower margins should be inferior to 2.5 cm.

  4. The article text file should be available in any of the following formats: doc, .docx, .odt. No formats different from the ones stipulated herein will be accepted.

  5. The titles and subtitles should be numbered in order to facilitate the document layout.

  6. The pages of the article should be numbered in the lower right corner, including the first page.

  7. The explanatory notes of the text will always be at the foot of the corresponding page and not at the end of the whole text and should be numbered consecutively from the beginning to the end of the article using Arabic numbers. These notes should be mere annotations of the text and should not contain bibliographical reviews or quotes. Our authors are also requested not to overextend footnotes (60 words maximum each) nor exceed the number of them. Any footnote regarding the title of the article will be marked with an asterisk (*).

  8. For the dates, neither abbreviations nor syncopated expressions, such as Oct. 7, 1948 should be used. Full dates, such as October 7, 1948, should be used both in the text and notes. Months should be in upper case and acronyms such as UNO, USA, NATO, FAO, OPEC, MINAET, etc. should always be written without spaces and periods.

  9. The article file, including the visual elements file, should not exceed a total of 10 megabytes.


C) Structure of the article:

  1. It is recommended that the article should be made up of the following as a minimum: introduction, body, conclusion and bibliography.

  2. The bibliographical references section should be alphabetically ordered according to the author’s first surname. The works of a same author should then be ordered chronologically. All the listed bibliographies in this section should meticulously correspond to the quoted texts throughout the article.

  3. The authors are advised to use secondary sources moderately and are only allowed to do so in such cases where it may be impossible for the authors to have access to the primary source, either because the document is out of print or unavailable in the databases or in the documentary sources at their disposal, or are in a language the author does not master. It is important to indicate that in the case the authors use a secondary source, both the primary and the secondary sources should be listed in the bibliographical references section. In other words, in case a reference, such as “Hobsbawn (2001 - Quoted in Rodriguez, 2010), is mentioned in the text of the article, it is necessary to include both Hobsbawn’s and Rodriguez’ biographies in the bibliographical references section.

  1. Likewise, upon using publication articles as their sources, authors are asked to ensure that the latter are indexed academic publications.

  2. For quotes and references, please, refer to the publication style Manual Chicago-Deusto or see some examples here.


D) Visual elements of the article (tables, graphs and pictures):

  1. All the visual elements should be numbered according to their respective consecutive numeration.

  2. They should have a concise heading enabling to understand the content.

  3. They should refer to a corresponding source.

  4. They should be in accordance with the article content and show relevant information.

  5. All those visual elements should be attached to the text file and not included therein. The desired and precise location of each visual element within the document should be clearly indicated in capital letters.

  6. A total of up to 10 visual elements, such as tables, graphs or pictures, are allowed for each article.

  7. At no time should tables be elaborated using tabulations, nor the space bar, nor should they be exported from any other type of document. For their elaboration it is recommended that the table function of the word processor should be used.

  8. Images (maps, illustrations and pictures) to be included in the article should be presented in .jpeg, .jpeg or .tiff format and the title and number of each illustration should be indicated.

  9. The authors are required to make sure that the size and resolution of the images referring to their articles are appropriate enough for the readers to appreciate the data contained therein.


Any article not meeting the guidelines specified herein will be returned to the author so that they may rectify or complete the aspects communicated to them. Once the editorial team has received the approved modifications, the Editorial Board will have access to the article.

Works sent by email will have to be sent in attachment. Furthermore, an authorship and originality affidavit should also be attached stating that the article has not been sent for publication to any other publication or media and that it is the author’s own property.


Use and access policy

The article writer is the copyright holder. Nevertheless, the authors expressly authorize this publication to disseminate the integral and complete text as well as its summaries and key words in networks, information sources, databases and any other divulgation system, without receiving any payment in exchange.

Rupturas” is an open access publication. Therefore, all its content is available for free, free of charge for our readers. Visitors may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search for or link the full texts of the articles of this publication without asking the author prior permission, as long as the following conditions are met:

  1. The work authorship is clearly acknowledged.

  2. The article is not used for commercial purposes.

  3. In case derived works are elaborated, it is also necessary to have a similar permission to this one.

 “Rupturas” authorizes the authors of published works to upload their articles onto their personal pages, blogs or other open access repositories later on, as long as an explicit mention is included regarding the volume, number and year in which the said article was published by Revista Rupturas, including also the URL publication link.

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