About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Revista Rupturas is a biannual digital journal. The first issue covers the months from January to June, and is published in January 20 of each year. The second number is online every July 15, and covers the months from July to December.

Objectives and aims

  1. To open a space for exchange, reflection and scientific debate from different theoretical approaches and epistemological and methodological proposals related to social sciences.

  2. To promote collaboration between different disciplinary perspectives, as well as inter-and trans-disciplinary research, including dialogue, approchement and collaboration between social and natural sciences.

  3. To publish theoretical-practical and methodological applications of social research used in the approach of different social phenomena.

  4. To present and disseminate the contribution that UNED provides to the research on social science issues in relation to the societal challenges and the processes of socio-cultural, economic and political change that societies of Mesoamerica, Latin America and the world are experiencing.

  5. To disseminate unpublished articles on different aspects of social, economic and cultural reality solidly founded.

  6. To expose those contributions whose originality is of value for pluralist analysis, critical and in-depth understanding of the problems of cultures and development.

  7. To build a space for debate and reflection for the formulation of alternative proposals on public policies, citizen organization and other scopes of research fields at CICDE.

Thematic coverage

The thematic scope of Revista Rupturas is located in the field of social sciences, emphasizing the study of the processes of change and rupture in our Latin American societies, the complex and dynamic emergence of new realities and actors in the socio-cultural and political spheres and the processes of rearrangement and economic restructuring. Revistas Rupturas aims to shed light around the great uncertainties to which these great ruptures take place, and also to contribute to the generation of transformative responses to such social challenges. All this is encouraged by a desire for a transdisciplinary dialogue, of theoretical and methodological synthesis and pluralist and epistemic openness.

Target audience

The primary target is the academic staff dedicated to research, teaching and community service; and students who work in different areas of the social sciences. Students who are interested in current processes of change in Latin American societies; or students whose research have been highlighted due to its theoretical, epistemic and methodological way in which it seeks to explore trans-disciplinary, critical epistemological positions open to plurality, dialogue and collaboration between social and natural sciences.

Peer review process

Manuscript processing and transparency

Revista Rupturas is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to spreading the products of research in the fields of social sciences. Revista Rupturas publishes articles that study and analyze in depth and with maximum rigor, the processes of change and rupture that live in today’s societies, or that encourage the formulation of innovative readings or proposals that provide advanced and democratic answers to the challenges that such transformations pose.

This journal follows the standards of scientific publications without limiting, notwithstanding the above, to the traditional meaning of science. This means that Revista Rupturas incorporates rigorous and academically significative contributions, coming from philosophy and humanities. Manuscripts that are outside the thematic scope of the journal, or that do not have the appropriate structure to be considered an academic article, will be excluded. Each of the submitted manscripts will be submitted to the double-blind arbitration system, in which at least two external evaluators will review it, and the Editorial Board will be the instance deciding its publication.

The process for selection of manuscripts in Revista Rupturas uses the following procedures:

  1. Manuscript submission: Upon receipt of the original manuscript and derived files, an acknowledgment of receipt will be sent to the author. This does not exclude the possibility of subsequent communications from the editor requesting corrections of format and presentation or to comply with the publication guidelines. The reception of the manuscript does not imply the commitment that the document will be published.

  2. Once the manuscript is submitted in accordance with the publication guidelines, a new acknowledgment of receipt will be given and the author’s identity will be reserved in order to guarantee a higher level of impartiality in the subsequent evaluation of the manuscript. Only the editor will know the identity of the authors of the manuscript.

  3. Selection of external reviewers: The editorial board will propose several possible reviewers for the manuscript. Academic merits and professional career will be considered to select the reviewers and those who may be closest to the author wont be considered. Only the director and editor will know the identity of the final reviewers. The author will not have knowledge about the identity of his reviewers. In the same way, the reviewers will not know the authorship of the manuscript (double-blind).

  4. Peer review process: The manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two persons, who will make an opinion related to the academic quality and rigor of the submitted articles, taking into account the aim and objectives of Revista Rupturas. The reviewers will have three weeks to dictaminate the manuscript. The review submitted to the author may also contain comments from the Editorial Board.

  5. Editorial Board deliberation: the board will meet at least twice per semester and will adopt a final decision on each of the articles evaluated, taking into account the dictamination prepared by the journal’s Director with the collaboration of the editor. One of the following decisions will be adopted:

a) The manuscript is approved for publication; and the author will be informed about the volume and issue it will be published in.

b) The publication of the manuscript is conditioned until minor corrections are made. The author is requested to make the corresponding corrections, and the summary of the opinion received will be sent to the author. The changes made by the author will be reviewed by the Editorial Board. Once the corrections have been approved, the author will be informed of the volume and issue in which their manuscript will be published.

c) The publication of the article is conditioned until important corrections are made. The author is asked to make major corrections at his manuscript as a necessary condition for its publication, taking into account a summary of the opinions of the reviewers that will be prepared by the Editorial Board. The author will have two weeks to present his revised manuscript to the editor. Said version of the document will be checked by the Director or another member of the Editorial Board. These members will consider if the corrections ot the manuscript attends to the reviewer’s observations. In case it is not possible to assess the quality of the corrections, the manuscript will be sent again to the reviewer. Only until this second revision of the manuscript is made and its subsequent approval by the Editorial Board, the article could be considered approved for publication.

d) The manuscript is reasonably rejected without the possibility of reworking it.

The evaluation criteria that justify the rejection of an article are, among others, its originality; its expository clarity and its effective contribution to the development of the proposed topic; the positioning in relation to the theoretical debates relevant to the effects of the posed theme; the positioning in relation to the theoretical debates relevant to the effects of the topic or problem that the writing develops; its argumentative solidity; the rigor achieved in the analysis of information; the relevance; timeliness and completeness of the sources consulted; and finally, the logical and coherent derivation of its conclusions so that they are based on the assumed theoretical approach and the exposed findings.


Open Access Policy

Revista Rupturas is a free and open access journal. There is no charge to the authors for sending their manuscripts, their processing and publication. All the content of the journal is free to access and the articles are free download.

The authors of the article are the owners of the copyright. However, the authors expressly authorize this journal to share the full and complete text, as well as its summaries and key words in networks, indexes, databases and any other information system, without receiving any payment in return.

All content is available for free, at no cost to our readers. Visitors can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link the full texts of the articles in this magazine without asking permission from the publisher or author, provided the following conditions are respected:

  1. The authorship of the work is clearly recognized.

  2. Do not use the articles or manuscripts for commercial purposes.

  3. In case of derivative works it is necessary that a similar license is also available.

Rupturas authorizes the authors of the published works to upload their articles to their personal web pages, blogs or other open access repositories, as long as they include an explicit mention and in a visible place the volume, issue, and year in that said document was published by Revista Rupturas, adding also the link URL of the magazine.

For more information consult http://creativecommons.org/


Stand against plagiarism

In Revista Rupturas, plagiarism means: deliberately reproducing texts or contributions previously presented by another author and exposing them as if they were their own without giving credit to the original source through a correct citation; to present false or incorrect information about sources and references; as well as presenting contributions or products from an existing source as if they were new. Plagiarism, once detected, will require a deliberation of the members of the Editorial Board on the seriousness of the situation and pertinent actions will be considered in addition to the rejection of the proposed manuscript.


Code of Ethics

In Revista Rupturas, we subscribe to the regulations of the international code of ethics of the Committee of Publications Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.


Digital Archiving

All content available on the website of Revista Rupturas is backed up daily on the servers of the Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED). The unit responsible for carrying out this cycle of backups is the Dirección de Tecnología de Inofrmación y Comunicaciones (DTIC), through two types of storage: one on hard disk in a system called SAN, and the other housed in magnetic tape in a backup robot. In addition, Revista Rupturas keeps its own backup of all its information, content, articles and communications in an external hard drive conceived for this single purpose.

Revista Rupturas uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed file among the participating libraries, allowing this libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for the purpose of preservation and restoration (www.lockss.org).


Metadata Harvesting

To see the Metadata Harvesting Protocol please go to: https://revistas.uned.ac.cr/index.php/rupturas/oai


Editorial Board


Dr. Luis Paulino Vargas Solís (Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica)



Editorial Board

Dra. Cristina D´Alton Kilby (Investigadora independiente, Costa Rica)



Dr. Dagoberto Núñez Picado (Universidad Estatal a Distancia, Costa Rica)



Dra. Mirta González Suárez (Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica)



M.Sc. Nioe Víquez Moreno (Departamento Ecuménico de Investigación, Costa Rica)



M.Sc. Ana Rosa Ruiz Fernández (Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Costa Rica)



Dra. Ciska Raventós Vorst (Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica)



Dra. Laura Álvarez Garro (Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica)




Editorial Team


Editor in Chief

Pablo Arturo Díaz González revista.rupturas@gmail.com


Academic Editors

Orlando Amaris Cervantes oamaris@uned.ac.cr

Paulo Coto Murillo pcoto@uned.ac.cr

Tanya García Fonseca tgarcia@uned.ac.cr

Maria Alexandra Medina Hernández mamedina@uned.ac.cr

Patricia Oliva Barboza poliva@uned.ac.cr

Marcela Pérez Rodríguez mperez@uned.ac.cr

Andrey Pineda Sancho apineda@uned.ac.cr

Julio Cesar Solis Moreira jsolis@uned.ac.cr


International Scientific Council

Dra. Clara Arenas Bianchi

Asociación para el Avance de las Ciencias Sociales (AVANCSO).




Dr. Amalio Blanco Abarca

Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).




Dr. José Luis Benítez

Departamento de Comunicaciones y Cultura.

Universidad Centroamericana (UCA).

El Salvador.



M.Sc. Amparo Marroquín Parducci

Universidad Centroamericana (UCA).

El Salvador.



Dr. Ricardo Melgar Bao

Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH).




Dra. Catalina Toro Pérez

Maestría Biociencias y Derecho.

Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales.

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá.



M.Sc. Margarita Vannini Peretti

Directora General del Instituto de Historia de Nicaragua (INH).




Dr. Jaime Hernández García

Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño.

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.




Dr. Alessandro Soares da Silva

Universidad de Sao Paulo.




Dr. Horacio Cerutti Guldberg

Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM).




Dr. Elio Masferrer Kan

ITESO, Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara.




Centro de Investigación en Cultura y Desarrollo (CICDE) de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED) de Costa Rica.

