Author Guidelines
Publication’s Terms
Guide for publication
Article Submission: The maximum length of articles is 20 pages letter size (21.5 x 28 cm., Double-spaced and a minimum length of six pages, with a margin for the four edges of 2 cm. Should give a physical version, accompanied by a digital (for domestic authors, for international authors with the digital version is sufficientl), and send it directly to the address
Title: should be clear, concise and summarizes the main idea of the text.
Author’s name: 1st name (initial 2nd), 1st name, 2nd name.
Abstract: synthesized in a coherent, understandable and concrete work content. It should come in a paragraph and not exceed 120 words. Is presented in Spanish and English preferred.
Keywords or descriptors: 3 to 10 keywords or descriptors of the article or writing. Is presented in Spanish and English preferably below each corresponding summary.
Introduction: the article must present an introduction without subtitles. It includes the presentation consistent, clear and specific to the topic under study, and the description of the strategy and the importance of research. It should also include a brief description of the conceptual framework, including quotations and references as needed.
Organization: the item must be perceived as a unitary whole around a central theme or problem.
Content: there should be no gaps in information or information breaks.
Conclusions: The conclusions should be derived from the discussion.
References: must be submitted according to the APA model.
References or quotations, are presented according to the model APA.
Develop standards for references (APA)
Book: Last Name A. (Year of publication). Location: Publisher.
Hernández, R., Fernandez, C. Baptista, P. (2003) Research Methodology. Mexico: Mc Graw Hill.
Journal article
Last Name, A., Last Name, B. B. & Last, C. (Year of publication). Title of the article. Journal title, volume (issue), pp. Xx-xx.
Becerra, M. Fjeldstad, O. (1999): Expansion of the model of the value chain: Study of the competitive behavior in the European mobile phone. European Research Management and Business Economics, 5 (1), pp. 61-78.
Last Name, A. (Year of publication). Title of the thesis. Master’s thesis and the name of the race. Name of University, Country.
Gómez, M. (2005). Study of the Glass Market Competition in Spain. MBA thesis. University of Oviedo, Spain.
Journal article:
Last Name, A. (Year, month day). Name of the article. Name of newspaper, p. xx.
Cantero, M.(2006, March 21). Growing SMEs in Costa Rica. The Nation, p. 16A.
Article of the Internet:
Last Name, A., Last, B. B. Last Name, C.(Year of publication). Title of the article. Journal title, volume (issue), pp. Retrieved from: http://www.
Nieto, L. (2004). What is the role of the Management. College Journal, 12 (2), pp. 56 to 61. Retrieved from:
If the item requires the inclusion of appendices to complete and illustrate the development of the subject may be included where necessary, the information for its size or configuration does not fit well within the body of the article and is necessary for proper understanding.
You can use the footer notes that are not too long.
Attach a letter (download document) in which the author attests to the originality of the article and its transfer copyright to the Journal to be published in both physical and /or electronic, include Internet. You must also attach a short summary of the curriculum of the person. Otherwise not be able to process the review article.