Microalgae in tilapia ponds and its biotechnology, environmental and industrial potential

Microalgae in tilapia ponds and its biotechnology, environmental and industrial potential


  • Narcy Villalobos Universidad Nacional
  • Carola Scholz Universidad Nacional


Microorganisms, Cyanobacteria, Green algae, Tilapia culture


Microalgae have been extensively studied worldwide in the tropics but more studies are needed regarding identification and potential biotechnological applications. Tilapia ponds are artificial ecosystems with a high potential for the identifi­cation of these microalgae, because their physical and chemical conditions are very stable during the year. This research found 31 species of microalgae in tilapia ponds of the Biological Station of 28 miles in Limon, many of which have been recognized for their biotechnological applications. This places Costa Rica as a place where you can find microalgae of interest in this line of research.


Author Biographies

Narcy Villalobos, Universidad Nacional

Professor and researcher, head of the Laboratory of Biotechnology of Microalgae. School of Biological Sciences

Carola Scholz, Universidad Nacional

Professor and Researcher, head of the Laboratory of Botany. School of Biological Sciences


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How to Cite

Villalobos, N., & Scholz, C. (2013). Microalgae in tilapia ponds and its biotechnology, environmental and industrial potential. Biocenosis, 27(1-2). Retrieved from https://revistas.uned.ac.cr/index.php/biocenosis/article/view/602